Faith Hearing God Jesus Key Article Ministry Miracles

Faith is Easy, When —

Faith is easy when we hear and rely on a word from God. Faith comes to us by hearing, and what we hear that gives faith is a Word from God.

We hear the Word. We hear Jesus, the creator of heaven and earth.

So…you understand, in a general way, that God does certain things and wants certain things to happen, like the destruction of the works of the devil. Such as Restoration, Salvo – including healing and freedom from unclean spirits (such things are what Jesus came for).

But without a personal Word from God that you hear personally, it is hard to have faith; likely impossible – otherwise we are trying to have faith in our thoughts or even worse, faith in our faith. Which I can tell you by too much disappointing experience – is not only extremely hard, it does not work.

But faith in what you hear from Jesus, the Word of God that created since the beginning before time and light, such faith works. And as long as you are experientially in touch, in contact, with that Word, faith is relatively easy and God’s inspiration always makes it easier.

So…how do you get such faith when you do not yet have it? Hear from God.

How to hear from God in such a personal way when you have not yet personally heard from God? It’s simple. Even easy. ASK.

Ask Jesus. (you are first having faith in Jesus.)

Pause, listen, receive and hear; and let faith blossom. (You are receiving a Word from Jesus. Have faith in that Word. Act – receive and take action to receive and have or experience what you have asked for. Taking action is not only part of the process Jesus repeatedly promised, it’s an outcome of and a result of your faith.)

So when you know something is wanted or promised in scripture, by God, and you have not heard in a personal way that gives you personal revelation and insight, ASK.

Ask, receive, knock – take appropriate next step action.

If you want a baby, maybe get a crib. At least buy diapers. Start getting ready to have what you have asked for and what Jesus gives you a personal, inspiring, revelatory message for: have faith.

If you want to heal someone, ask Jesus – how do I pray. Notice what you experience next, and pray – doing that. Until healing is completely and thoroughly enforced, the prayer results have shown up. (Ask – Jesus. Receive – guidance about how to pray. Act [action is like knocking on a door] to open up what you are having faith for – open that door for Jesus. Jesus makes it easy.)

Faith is easy. Ask Jesus. Listen – receive. Knock – act on your faith.

Faith is easy when done right. The Word makes such faith possible. Grab onto it!

And do not proceed on your own ideas about how to do something without faith or guidance from God. Sarah tried that, and the results have been not only the birth of a difficult child, but the birth of a people-group that have been in conflict with Israel ever since.

Faith is easy. Ask, Receive, and Act (like knocking on a door) – to be ready to have what you have asked for.

Discipleship Father Holy Spirit Jesus Key Article Purpose

Your Purpose in Life

Jesus Sitting on a Mountain by the Sea of Galilee Matthew 15:29

You have a Purpose in Life.

Father always knew what is is. Jesus knows what it is. Holy Spirit can help you find out.

You can discover your Purpose in Life. You can have such clarity. You can have certainty. Suddenly, many things become clear.

It is simple. Oh, so very simple. And not always easy!

I will tell you what it is, your Purpose in Life. Yet, you will, at best, need your own revelation from God. Then you will understand your Purpose in greater depth. And probably in a way different than I put it, though this way is certainly correct and true.

So be prepared to Ask Jesus, and listen to and listen for what Holy Spirit shows or tells you. Or what thoughts or feelings or memories come to mind. Remember, God’s first language is not English. So be alert and pay sharp attention, notice what you experience. Ask for greater clarity.

Ask, seek, and take actions, such as knocking at a door. (See Mt. 7:7-8)

Your Purpose grows out of being a sincere disciple. A disciple is someone who takes action and does what they are shown. They learn to do what their teacher demonstrates and shows and tells about and teaches.

Your Master and master teacher is Jesus. You are, I certainly hope, a disciple; if you are not sure – please pray and ask for forgiveness and make a new and deeper decision to learn to be a good disciple.

So you can grow into the character and ministry of Jesus (start with the Fruit of the Spirit, see Gal. 5; and go on to the Gifts of the Spirit so you can minister more like Jesus does, see 1 Cor. 12).

Your Purpose in Life is to learn and grow into being more like Jesus. Having the character and ministry of Jesus, becoming more and more like Jesus. In how you are, who you are, and in what you do. Express more and more of Jesus in your life.

And you get to these things with your own unique gifts and abilities – all given by God. You get to do this in your own way, learning from others, yes – but being your unique self in your own sphere of influence.

I encourage you to pray, to ask, seek and yes, to knock – and let Holy Spirit impart a revelation to you of this, a revelation Father saw for you from before time, let Jesus model and teach you through scriptures and in your life, and Holy Spirit will give you access to the character and ministry of Jesus in your own time and place and in your own unique way.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Cor. 3:18, NKJV)

Pause in the Presence of God.

Discipleship Healing Holy Spirit Jesus Joy Kingdom of God Ministry Presence of God

New Person – New in Christ, Heals Easily

New Person – New in Christ, Heals Easily. aaron-burden-lW79kLuvl8E-unsplash

You are fully restored, in Jesus Christ, when you are born again.

Your New Person, New in Christ, Heals Easily.

So…you can heal easily. Just being restored to who you really are, in Jesus.

So…you can heal others and minister to their needs, easily, because of who you already are, in Jesus.

Your New Person, in Jesus Christ, has no wounds or injuries.

Your New Person, in Jesus Christ, follows Holy Spirit, is full of Holy Spirit, and ministers powerfully, effectively and easily.

Your New Person – is the preferred way to be living.

Your New Person – is the preferred way to minister.

This is simple. Easy, when you are doing it – hard when you are not living out of your New Person.

Why would you live any other way?

Calling Conversation with God Discipleship Father Holy Spirit Jesus Trinity

Greeting Members of Trinity

Prague – The baroque painting of Holy Trinity in church kostel Svatého Tomáše by Karel Škréta (1610 – 1674).

In the morning, you can say, “Good morning, Father. And pause. Good morning, Jesus. And pause. Good morning, Holy Spirit. Pause.

When you do this, you can feel the difference. And you are in touch with a Holy Community, a Community of the Three Persons of the Trinity: (One) God.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each a different person, yet each fully and completely God. A mystery….

Throughout the day and evening, you can greet the members of the Trinity, one at a time. Pausing each time.

When you pause, you can often feel or otherwise notice a response. Stay with that. No need to rush!

When you go to sleep, say, “Goodnight…” to each of the three members of this Holy Community of Oneness — three Persons, One God.

Expect to sleep more easily and well. I do. I believe you can, too.

Pause after each time you speak. Notice and feel the response; notice how you are being made different.

This is your genuine family. In this family, I am a brother of yours. You have many sisters, many brothers, in Christ. All connected to our genuine family, the Trinity.

Greet each other. Pause, listen, look and feel. Notice what you experience, and how you are different.

Keep doing this and you will notice transformation taking place. Others will notice, too, “18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord,[a] are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.[b] For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18, ESV

Holy Spirit Jesus Love Spiritual Warfare

So…we’ve had an election!

Jesus loves everyone. You can, too. Radical!

So…we’ve had an election!

Half the country is upset, and half the country is feeling glad.

Here’s a very, very radical idea: love everyone.

Love your favorite politician. Love the opposition. Love followers of each of them – all of them. I didn’t say you should or have to agree with them!

So calm down and try it again if needed: love everyone! You don’t have to agree with anyone you don’t want to. You don’t have to like or love their positions. You just have to love God with all your heart, soul and strength; and others as yourself – and please love yourself with the God kind of love.

Agape everyone. Your politician. (Yes, I know you’re not as attached when you do this; it’s all right.) The opposition. Yes, you really can do it; or it would not be the most important commandments. Love everyone. God, your politician and followers, the opposition and their followers. Agape them all. God first, everyone else second. Everyone.

Yes, that’s right, everyone!

And you don’t have to agree with anyone that you don’t want to.

Agape. You can do it. And when you have difficulty, ask for help.

Ask for more of Holy Spirit; receive with faith – already given! Follow Holy Spirit. Express love out of your New Person, to everyone. The generous, God kind of love.

Now go ahead and disagree all you want. Just keep agape – for everyone! What a radical idea. Doing as Jesus says. Radical.

Jesus loves everyone. You can, too.

Calling Holy Spirit Jesus Joy Lessons

Contentment & Joy

Top 10 Contented Dogs Expressing Satisfaction

Is easy to find when we do the what is right; and is too easy to lose when we wander astray.

Want to experience more contentment and joy? Explore these ways to attain. Learn. Add your own ideas – or, best is to do as Holy Spirit guides you to do. Key is: doing what God says to do, such as:

  • Love Jesus with all your heart, strength and mind. Right now!
  • Receive the love of Jesus, which is beyond what you yet understand.
  • Let God’s love spill over to other people – through you.
  • Give thanks. Praise God. Worship our Lord.
  • Follow your calling, use your gifts.

I’m serious. Really do each one of these, one at a time. Experience deeply. Explore. Learn for yourself.

Rejoice! This is so important I’ll say it again: rejoice!

Discipleship Hearing God Holy Spirit Jesus Ministry Prayer Prophecy

The God Listener

Hearing the Voice of God

We all want to hear God well, and nearly all of us want to hear God better.

There are horse whisperers, people who pay exquisite attention to horses and learn; there are dog whisperers, people who pay wonderfully attentive attention to dogs.

What you may not know is that there are people who help you hear God better. Not prophets who hear God for us, sometimes. (Although since Jesus came, we are to hear God for ourselves, and what a prophet says should resonate because of Holy Spirit confirming to us what a prophet says.)

These are people who are what I sometimes call, “God Listener’s”, and their job is to help you hear God better for yourself. That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?

There is a long tradition of such ministry, going back to at least the “Desert Fathers”, usually solitary monks who lived in the desert. From them a succession of ministers have helped people hear God for themselves.

Today we often call these people, “Spiritual Directors” or “Spiritual Friends”. You can look up these terms, they are well known. There is a long tradition of such people who help others to hear God better. This is a precious ministry.

They don’t listen for you; they help you hear God better for yourself. A ministry worth having, if not having always, at least sometimes.

We have all had periods of time that are rough. I remember one particular time when that was happening to me. My computers were not working right. My dogs were misbehaving. Around the house things were not working well or would break. I prayed about it, for these things and against these things. I finally decided I must be having a problem with demons. So I told them to leave. Usually not a problem for me – but the problems persisted.

So I called on a God Listener who I knew was very good with unclean spirits and asked for help. She managed to convey to me rather quickly that the problems were not demonic in origin. The problems were being caused by my own attitude. She told me that my wrong attitude and my own energy was causing the problems with my computers, dogs, and household appliances.

This was not what I wanted to hear. I wanted her to fix the problem for me. (Sound familiar?) But, I knew she was right. Holy Spirit confirmed what she was saying.

So I changed my attitude and my energy. The problems quickly went away and disappeared. I was blessed to have the help of a good God Listener, because I needed help to hear God well. And to solve problems that I mistakenly thought were being caused by demonic spirits when it was my own attitude and energy that was causing difficulties.

When you have big problems, opportunities you are not sure what to do with, when you need good guidance – a God Listener can be a huge help – so you can more reliably and accurately hear God for yourself – especially when doing so matters even more than usual.

You can easily learn more about God Listeners, Spiritual Friends or Spiritual Directors. There is more information than you might at first suspect.

One place you can explore and learn about Spiritual Directors is on Facebook, the Group, “Holy Listening-Spiritual Director“. Also on a related website called, “Holy Listening“.

Anointing Jesus Key Article Kingdom of God Ministry Spiritual Warfare

Clean or Unclean?

Scott Rodgerson at Unsplash

In the culture of the Old Testament, normally people were considered clean, unless they came into contact with the unclean, such as by touching a dead body.

(Various bible translations use “Holy” and “Clean” for the same word; and “Unholy” and “Unclean” for another word. For me, “Holy” is more powerful; and “Clean” is more clear. Which words do you prefer?)

There is an important key principle here: the Unclean is more contagious than the Clean.

There is an important and parallel principle: When the Unclean came into contact with the Holy of Holies, the Unclean became Clean.

This is a ceremonial lesson about Jesus: who is the Holy of Holies and who makes clean whatever he comes into contact with.

So there is another important key principle here: the Holy of Holies is more contagious than the Unclean.

Which has important implications in healing and other ministry.

Jesus, his Anointing, and the Holy of Holies are a great context for ministry, such as preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God, healing the sick or freeing the bound.

The Holy of Holies is a model of Jesus, who makes everything clean, who makes us whole, and who heals who has set us free. Jesus has overcome the world!

Intercession Jesus Ministry Pain Purpose

Empathic or Spiritual Gift?

Jesus is my Pastor – empathic and gifted

You might not know; you may even be doing both – being empathic and receiving a Word of Knowledge – one of the Spiritual gifts – about someone else.

Add compassion, like Jesus, to your gentle awareness of pain – the healing and ministry is better, easier, faster.

You can do these things for others, especially when you have a Word of Knowledge that allows you to feel and experience what is going on with the other person. You can often do this for others in intercessory prayer.

I wonder if this is is how Jesus sometimes healed. I think probably so.

Jesus as the Word who created all, including us, has given us these gifts to gently and lovingly use.

Jesus literally has created us to heal trauma and pain.

What amazing and wonderful gifts he has given us.

And he has sent Holy Spirit to help us discover, learn about and do these things. Which, with our Helper and Guide, goes so much better, easier and better.

So do as he told us, and as he showed us. Heal pain and trauma in yourself and others with gentle compassion and Holy Spirit.

Do not wait, do not be passive. He tells us today, go: heal the sick and free the bound. With gentle compassion and love, go forth and heal. You do these things.

He has equipped us and given us all we need to do as he says.

Those of you who are (HSP’s) Highly Sensitive Persons or who are highly empathic have been especially equipped to heal this way, with your gentle, compassionate and loving attention, first with front of the mind awareness, then with back of the mind awareness which resolves trauma and speeds healing along. These are gifts from our Creator, the Word. Jesus.

And, you can always ask Holy Spirit to adjust your emotions, energy body, and relationships.

What an amazing and wonderful Lord he is!

Holy Spirit Jesus Prayer

Is This Prayer?

Where Two or Three are Gathered in my Name

Decide for yourself. Is this a kind of prayer? Really?

Because if so, we may need to be much more alert.

One day I shared a dream with a friend, telling him of something I deeply wanted. I had told nobody before. I had not thought to pray about this.

Two days later I was given an offer that included what I told my friend I was asking for. I not only accepted, but this put me on a path of growth that lasted for years.

Later, I wondered about what had happened. My friend has Holy Spirit in him. I thought – realized – I was not only talking to my friend; I was talking also to Holy Spirit. I was talking to God.

And it was a holy conversation. Jesus promised to be with us at such times, to be among us. So I was talking to Jesus, who was among us.

I believe I was not only talking with a friend. I was praying.

Since I learned about this pattern, I have seen it repeatedly not only in my life but in the lives of others I know.

Is this really a kind of prayer? What does Holy Spirit say to you about this? What should you be doing about this?