Emotional Pain Empath Friendship HSP Missing the mark: Sin Pain Tribulation

Please Be Careful What You Say….


Imagine, if you will, being an Empath (feeling what others feel, or even feeling things around you – which can make you a gifted mechanic if you can feel what car parts are like – or skilled with plants or with animals – maybe even gifted with people), and highly sensitive (noticing and responding deeply to all sensory input). These are wonderful and powerful gifts, though not always appreciated by today’s macho, rationalistic society.

(There are Empaths in this world. Most of them are people who are highly sensitive. Some researchers suggest 20% of the population is gifted this way, and they are useful to the rest of us because they notice things we have overlook. Such gifts are especially useful for leaders, for people-groups of all kinds; useful for counselors, healers, and intercessors. For teachers, and all who are gifted leaders in church who help prepare the saints – that’s all of us – for service.)

Imagine being asked to study propaganda in depth, a long series of very convincing videos that explain how a particular group of people (another political party, of course) is full of child molesters, and even people who drink the blood of babies. Seriously. A long series of videos to show and prove how such things are actually real.

And then later being told by others that since you do not happen to appreciate, laud and love a particular politician, you must be one of these awful people you have had rehearsed so much through studies friends repeatedly ask you to engage in.

Imagine, if you will, being sent videos (and very convincing ones) about a vaccine, and being told it is dangerous not only to you, but to people around you.

So dangerous are you assumed you will be, if you take such a vaccine, that a good friend will no longer tolerate being around you or be in your presence because you are so dangerous.

Most people who send such videos and propaganda for you to consume do so with deep sincerity and the best of intentions – to protect you from such horrors.

Some creators of such propaganda also have good intentions, to share an important message. Even when some knowingly and systemically exaggerate to make their point stronger. (When I was younger and more insecure, I used to do such things myself. I understand!)

Imagine, if you will, that you happen to rather strongly suspect that some people are purposely propagating lies. Sometimes for their purposes that they deem good. Others, perhaps, love to share mischief or even wilful evil.

Imagine, further, being told by someone else that your choice to do such a thing as to have this dangerous, killing vaccine – that is so dangerous to yourself and to others – if you make such a choice, this amounts to a decision to be a serial killer.

Remember – as an Empath and highly sensitive person, you imagine and feel the message, it’s details, it’s intent — deeply. Very deeply. Even if you decide for yourself that this propaganda is not real. You are still affected. Even if you happen to believe this is all based on lies being propagated for political purposes. Lies, lies, and more lies – or so it seems to you. Imagine experiencing such things as these.

And you are considered to be the equivalent of a serial killer whose very presence is considered dangerous and unwanted. And you are one of the people in this world who when told they are unwanted, you tend to automatically feel this too much. (I think a lot of us are like this.)

Now that you’ve imagined all this as if you were a highly sensitive Empath (thank you for going along with this), and you’ve taken these things in very deeply – let’s consider something more.

Can such things be real? Maybe all these messages are genuine and always sincere! You just happen to be highly sensitive and empathic.

Nah! Such imaginings are unrealistic and unplausible. Such things cannot be real. No one would communicate such things on purpose, would they? But some people do communicate such things. And many who do so do this with the very best of intentions!

What do you think? What kingdom do these stories and messages come from? The Kingdom of God?


Discipleship Faith Friendship Getting Help Pain Purpose

Improve & Transform Terrible Memories

Astronomy Photographer of the Year shortlist - in pictures
Father and son observing Comet Pan-Starrs in Massachusetts

There is a straightforward way to transform terrible memories, which I just recently discovered and noticed through a Facebook friend, Henry Kanu, who lives in Sierra Leone.

This works so well for me because I already have experience with and belief in a particular promise of God: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good”, Romans 8:28a., ESV.

Henry Kanu and I were discussing and exploring this promise, when Holy Spirit prompted me to test this out and prove it to myself – even further.

So I thought of two memories that I considered terrible memories of things I had experienced. (My wife’s unexpected death and a painful childhood time.) Then I applied God’s promise to those two memories.

Remarkably, they no longer seemed like terrible memories; there were just precursors – things that happened first, before God tuned those experiences into good things – which I can now easily notice and appreciate. I am grateful for what has happened.

Applying God’s promise literally transformed the memories from being of things I felt were bad – into memories of how God made good out of those things. I literally remember and experience the blessings that God gave as a result of these experiences.

They no longer were terrible memories for me.

If you have enough experience &/or enough trust in this promise from Romans 8:28a, I believe this transformation can easily happen for you, too.

And if you need more experience with this promise, I recommend you do two things. First, meditate on God’s promise. Second, remember some specific things that are terrible memories, and notice how God turned these experiences into something good for you.

After doing this for a while, see how the promise may help you transform a memory of something that felt bad, and that you thought of as a terrible memory.

I believe you will notice as I have, a memory of something you thought of as being bad and that felt bad – can be transformed by applying God’s promise of Romanss 8:28a.

Oh – and it’s an excellent idea to give thanks for the improvement and transformation to Jesus. And to praise him for this. Which will have the side effect of nailing down the transformative experience of a bad memory into being the start of something good that God has done for you.

Thank you, Henry Kanu. And most of all, thank you, Jesus Christ!

Holy Spirit Joy Key Article Love Ministry Miracles Pain Spiritual Warfare

Overwhelmed? Double-Minded?

Overwhelmed Images and Stock Photos. 9,291 overwhelmed ...
Overwhelmed? Double-Minded?

Help is closer than you probably expect, is easy, and quite rapid. When you do these two easy things:

Ask for more of Holy Spirit. You will receive. Guaranteed. (See Luke 11:11-13.)

Then follow Holy Spirit; intend to follow Holy Spirit. Ask Holy Spirit to help you follow Holy Spirit even more.

Yes, it’s this easy, just:

-1. Ask for more of Holy Spirit, and

-2. Deeply intend to follow Holy Spirit or even ask Holy Spirit to help you follow. (See Gal. 5).

That simple. Easy. Check – now you are more single-minded. You are not so overwhelmed and maybe not overwhelmed at all.

I do this to get help when I am too sad at the loss of my wife. I ask for more of Holy Spirit. Then, automatically, with zero drama, grief is small and Holy Spirit is huge. What a wonderful and easy transformation!

I am operating out of my New Self, not my old self. The same for you. New Self with Fruit of the Spirit, including –  

Galations 5:22 – …the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.
Conversation with God Holy Spirit Journal Key Article Pain Prayer Targets

Words of Knowledge?

Still, Wide Water with Trees on the Sides

A Word of Knowledge?
18-Aug-2020, an entry for my Prayer Journal.

What do you think? I’m new to this, just putting things together. Can an answer to prayer be a Word of Knowledge? Lead to a Divine Appointment?

I think I may have had several related ones in a single day:

First, I heard a concern here in a WhatsApp group about home robbery. Not sure what to do with that and suspecting it was more likely for long-term members, I just made a mental note of it and moved on to other things. A special note, because a brother in Christ and a good friend had his brother in Panama recently attacked in his own house by several men, one with a knife. He’s in a coma in the hospital, still. So the warning of a robber in a house struck me stronger than usual, was more noticeable than usual.

Not long afterwards I saw that a rainstorm was coming. Even verified this with a neighbor who is Panamanian and who I expect can read the weather here better than I. (This rainy season has had fewer rainy days than has been usual, but when they come the rain pours hard for many hours.) So I took dogs outside for a last chance to do their outside business.

Rain came, it got cold and temperature dropped. AND I had a fear – not typical for me, of my house being robbed. So I locked outer gates, during the day – which I have never done. I even asked for intercession with two original sets of people. My concern was strong.

The rain was over in ten minutes, which was surprising. I was expecting it to rain hard for hours, as has been more common this rainy season here in Panama….

Even with house locked down and asking for intercession in two places, I still felt some fear. Usually, for me, fear is a warning of an impending attack or danger – so I pay attention and get ready. Nothing happened. It puzzled me.

That night I had a serious big muscle leg cramp that went on for thirty minutes no matter what I did. It hurt, and it went on for an unusual length of time. While I have a history of leg cramps, I have fewer lately and those that I’ve had were small muscle and did not persist — they were not serious or very painful. So this leg cramp was different.

During this time I asked to be more full of Holy Spirit. My Guide and Comforter helps with just about any situation.

Next day I was not doing well. Leg hurt, and I was not doing well at all. Unusual for me, but I noticed and tried to not do things that required me to be resourceful and at my best. I still ended up having two conversations, one by email and one by WhatsApp where I was not at my best. Maybe 60-70% of what is normal for me. So today I did what I could to set things right and to apologize.

Now, by hindsight, putting all this together…I am wondering if this was a Word of Knowledge warning me of a spiritual, not a physical attack.

Recently I’ve been in learning to recognize Words of Knowledge, something I had not previously noticed. I’m wondering how frequent they have been and how little I’ve noticed.

I now suspect that’s what happened here. And I may learn a lot that is useful. I think I may be in learning how to recognize a Word of Knowledge. (I already know that when I experience something that’s “not mine” I cannot move or change it. Such as a call to intercession. A demonic suggestion. Something like a pain or problem that belongs to someone else – a kind of Word of Knowledge.)

Another Word of Knowledge may have come, too. The tension in my leg from the leg cramp resulted in tension up and down my body on that side and eventually was resulting in a neck-headache. A painful one.

So I asked how to pray for this pain.

I then saw a picture of what may have been a lake. Still water, wide, with trees on either side. I noticed that as I kept my gaze on this inner-picture, my neck-headache was easing up. I gradually felt better. (This was surprising as an answer about how to pray – I expected to be told to relax. Something like that.) Then I got distracted.

Twice, later that day, I saw similar nature pictures on Facebook. Like the one above at the top of this article. When I would look at these, tension lessened, and I felt better. The second time I did this, I stayed with doing this until the pain completely disappeared.

And the second picture I saw on Facebook led to my meeting with someone new, a person who captured the second photograph. Which turned out to be a Divine Appointment – someone with whom God wanted me to meet. We are learning from each other. This was a Divine Appointment or a big coincidence. And I am learning that big coincidences are often Divine Appointments, it’s worth paying attention and finding out.

In one day I had these two experiences with what may have been a Word of Knowledge. I think maybe they were just that.

What do you think? What does your experience tell you? What is your own experience with how you experience a Word of Knowledge?

Intercession Jesus Ministry Pain Purpose

Empathic or Spiritual Gift?

Jesus is my Pastor – empathic and gifted

You might not know; you may even be doing both – being empathic and receiving a Word of Knowledge – one of the Spiritual gifts – about someone else.

Add compassion, like Jesus, to your gentle awareness of pain – the healing and ministry is better, easier, faster.

You can do these things for others, especially when you have a Word of Knowledge that allows you to feel and experience what is going on with the other person. You can often do this for others in intercessory prayer.

I wonder if this is is how Jesus sometimes healed. I think probably so.

Jesus as the Word who created all, including us, has given us these gifts to gently and lovingly use.

Jesus literally has created us to heal trauma and pain.

What amazing and wonderful gifts he has given us.

And he has sent Holy Spirit to help us discover, learn about and do these things. Which, with our Helper and Guide, goes so much better, easier and better.

So do as he told us, and as he showed us. Heal pain and trauma in yourself and others with gentle compassion and Holy Spirit.

Do not wait, do not be passive. He tells us today, go: heal the sick and free the bound. With gentle compassion and love, go forth and heal. You do these things.

He has equipped us and given us all we need to do as he says.

Those of you who are (HSP’s) Highly Sensitive Persons or who are highly empathic have been especially equipped to heal this way, with your gentle, compassionate and loving attention, first with front of the mind awareness, then with back of the mind awareness which resolves trauma and speeds healing along. These are gifts from our Creator, the Word. Jesus.

And, you can always ask Holy Spirit to adjust your emotions, energy body, and relationships.

What an amazing and wonderful Lord he is!

Healing Key Article Pain

The Purpose of Pain, Version 2

The Purpose of Pain is for first grabbing attention, then to aid healing.

The Purpose of Pain is simple. It’s to gain our attention to injury or trauma.

First, to help us see if we need first aid.

Second, to then to aid in protecting and aiding in resolving trauma and healing.

Pain grabs our attention. If a physical injury, do we need first aid? To stop bleeding or to take other immediate measures? If emotional injury, do we need to stop everything else right away because the injury is so large and we have no free attention left for doing other things?

Pain also helps us protect trauma and injury for healing. And this is what too many of us have been missing for far too long.

It’s simple; but I didn’t see this for most of my life. It’s somewhat obvious by hindsight, yet easy to miss or even to dismiss as not important. Especially the second part. It’s done well in two parts, one part after the other:

-1. Pay attention to pain that has grabbed your attention with the “front” of your mind. Assess and do what needs doing.

-2. Pay attention to pain with the back of the mind. The body and mind will work behind the scenes to protect what hurts. And then to heal, and to resolve trauma or injury. This does not need as much conscious attention as assessing and seeing if first aid is needed. Some “back of the mind” attention does need to continue, for the best protection and for the best resolving and healing of the causes of pain.

Both body and mind have mechanisms already in place. And it’s my observation that they work better when attention is continued with the “back of the mind”. Attention will be grabbed somewhat, anyway, because of the pain. But it is safe after the assessment to give only “back of the mind” attention.

This works best when we are breathing with our lower belly or abdomen, rather continuously. How to get stuck in trauma or to not complete processing: stop breathing continuously. Hold your breath for periods of time.

Emotional trauma resolves best when we use our attention properly and continue breathing – without holding our breath.


The Purpose of Pain: is to attract and keep our attention first for first aid assessment and then for continued protection of injury and resolution of trauma and healing.

This works well for all kinds of pain, including emotional and physical.

Especially if you are breathing continuously and avoid holding your breath.

Getting this backwards is how we get stuck and stay in pain. (To get this backwards, keep paying attention with the front of your mind to how much you hurt. You won’t be able to do as much because you have little attention left over. You may become prone to holding your breath, which allows emotional trauma to continue.)

I think this is how David played his harp and helped King Saul when he was bothered by an unclean spirit.

A friend of mine, Gregg McIver, told me of examples where he’d play one of his many flutes and help people who were overloaded and angry, or otherwise in some emotional pain. Helped a dentist relax when facing a difficult procedure. Helped his own self with pain of a tooth having been knocked out.

Keys to Succeeding:

  • Keep Breathing.
  • Keep some of your “back of the mind” attention – on the pain or trauma until it resolves.
  • Keep your “front of the mind” on something else (after the initial “first aid” assessment).
  • You can do some things with front and back of the mind awareness, like listening to a Native American wooden flute, pan flute or David’s harp with a pentatonic scale. I suspect that wide notes or lots of overtones are an excellent help in holding your attention and keeping it spread out between both front and back of your attention.

That said, how did Jesus do these things? Easy. Simple. He showed us and he told us. (Be careful to notice what he shows us and what he tells us – or we miss important lessons.)

  • Jesus healed with gentle compassion. This gets your attention right for healing.
  • Gentleness is related to humility. We hear Father better. We have a better two-way conversation: prayer.
  • Compassion brings our heart into our actions.
  • Doing these things, being these ways, you find that your heart and your attention is set correctly and well for healing injury, sickness, or trauma. In yourself and in others.
  • Do as he said. Proclaim the nearness of the Kingdom of God. Heal the sick and free the bound!
  • Go! Share the Good News and heal the sick and free the bound. Go!

A journal entry from later in the day:

I can talk to God in the Spirit, and even without words, yet actively relating and connecting, and actively putting Him and his Kingdom first. 

     This changes everything.

     Even overload and pain.  The need to process.  (Take time out to process, and talk to God during this.  It’s better!  He is merciful and good.) 

12:20 P.M., 15-Aug-2020

So…be filled with wonder and joy at how wonderful a Lord, God and Savior we have! While you process, talk to God in the Spirit. Relate! Putting Jesus and his Kingdom first. This alone changes everything. And doing this literally transforms your automatic and deep processing, and it takes such processing to a new level that transforms and heals.

So…please practice, practice and practice. Learn this for yourself and make new habits which will serve you and others for the rest of your life.

Healing Holy Spirit Joy Kingdom of God Pain

You Are Restored

A New Person — Tatiana Syrikova – Unsplash

Life has wounded you – too many times! You hurt inside, because we live in a broken world. A world full of many kinds of trouble.

Jesus has restored you. Completely. Will you take joy in this?

If you live in the Kingdom of God, this is already true for you: you have been and are completely restored. In fact, you’ve even been made better than you were before.

If you do not yet live in the Kingdom of God, begin now. It’s a simple thing once you hear it and when the truth of it resonates deeply in you.

Then you discover that Jesus has actually already restored you. A wonderful discovery for you to make.

This is just a fact. But, for you to experience this as fully and completely as you can, there is a condition:

You trust, rely and really depend on your Restoration more than you trust and depend on old injuries. You trust Jesus more than you trust the Adversary or in a horribly broken world. And more than you trust old injuries.

Will you do this? (You may have habits of trusting injuries and brokenness more than your Restoration to Wholeness and Joy.)

Want some hints on how to do this even better? I’m glad you asked. Here are some especially uncomplicated ways to accomplish this (life is easy when you are doing these things – hard when you do not). Try them one at a time and discover which you are best at, which is most easy and effective for you.

  • Follow or walk in line with Holy Spirit. You will experience Fruit of the Spirit, including love and joy. (See Galations 5:16-25.)
  • Be full of Holy Spirit. Ask for more and receive by faith.
  • Put the right standing with God and the Kingdom of God first. This will re-align all your values in the present moment, and you will be much more in tune with the Kingdom of God.
  • Love God with all your heart, soul and strength. Allow God’s love for you to spill over to others.
  • Trust God and resist evil. In fact, draw closer to God and resist evil: a simple two direction move that will give you freedom and joy!

When you are experiencing God – as Jesus, Holy Spirit, Father – or all of these Persons of the Trinity – and you realize that Jesus is near (that’s why one of his names is Immanuel – God with us), or realize that Holy Spirit actually already lives inside of you, or how much Father loves you and has had good plans for you before the beginning – when you realize and rejoice in the nearness of God or God’s life already in you — life is easier, joyful and you are whole.

Your New Person, created by God as you came into the Kingdom, is already whole and complete and fully restored. Experience this! It’s a glorious way to live.

It is your Old Self that has the wounds and injuries. (Not you.) This is who died when you were born again. Don’t you dare live out of your dead Old Self when you can live out of your resurrected New Person!

Your New Person has no wounds. Your New Person – the real and alive “you” already has Holy Spirit – your Comforter, Guide and your Advocate for when you are being accused.

You have been completely restored, and more. Rejoice! (It’s a choice. An outstanding choice! Don’t be tricked by habits or a broken world or by the devil into living out of injuries that aren’t even alive – aren’t even really yours any more.)

Rejoice! A most excellent way to be living!

Discipleship Getting Help Hearing God Key Article Pain Prayer

How To Receive Quick & Reliable Guidance for Prayer

Jesus ministered by doing as Father showed him and told him. We really can do the same. Here’s how.

A first key that so many of us have been missing is this: ask Father how to pray. How to pray for whatever situation, need, concern, worry, fear, or ministry opportunity we have.

A second key many of us miss is this: notice what happens, what you see, hear or otherwise what you experience. Especially when this is not what you expected.

What you experience is either Still Small Voice – or more likely what is a Word of Knowledge and a Word of Wisdom, or what is very much like one.

What you will experience is not directions for what you were likely expecting in how to pray.

What you will experience is literally the answer to the need or issue that you are praying about. How to have the answer you were seeking; what to be, what to do, or both.

You are responsible to pray for, steward and enforce that answer about to how to pray.

Some examples:

  • If pain in a muscle has been an issue, you may experience subtle shifts or subtle movements in that muscle. That’s the target. That’s what to pray for. What to do. It’s also the answer to how to pray – pray for that. Do that. See your ministry recipient doing that. Enforce what you have been shown or told or otherwise experienced. Those subtle movements and how they are made: pray for them and see that they are done.
  • If you have a chronic issue or problem, you may be given a memory of when another person demonstrated how to be and what sort of thing to do – and be a person without that problem. You may have a flash of memory when you acted in such a way. That’s your answer to your prayer, that’s what to pray for, that’s what to do and to enforce in prayer on earth as it is in heaven.
  • If you have a relationship problem, you may be given a thought, memory, idea, feeling, way of being, things to do — that are literally an answer to such an issue. So you are to pray for that, do those things or see that they are done. Enforce that answer to prayer, and pray that such is done.

What we too often miss is this: an answer to how to pray is often us being shown the solution to what we are praying about.

The solution we are to pray for, act upon, see that it is done. To pray for and to enforce, on earth as it is in heaven and to see that it is done.

We are expecting something that looks to us like how to pray: maybe a picture or set of directions of us praying – and how.

What we are getting is an answer to what we are praying about.

An answer to the prayer-need that we are to pray for! To enforce, to do, to act upon, and to see that it is done on earth as it already is in heaven.

God is faster and more generous than we expect.

And we can too easily miss such answers, because it is not what we were expecting. Such answers can be quick and can be subtle, as well as not what we expect to see or hear – which can make the answers we receive all too easy to miss.

A Word of Knowledge may be you experiencing something in your body. Having a feeling, a knowing, a memory of you or someone else doing something. Not what we usually expect.

A Word of Wisdom is an answer and how to apply knowledge well.

A request about how to pray results in us being shown a solution which is an answer to the need or problemincluding what to pray forthat solution.

Praise be to our Lord and Christ for Wisdom, Knowledge, love and faith. Rejoice in such love and kindness shown and told to us. Receive with joy, and rejoice!

P.S. – See below:

So K. asked for more examples, and the back and forth of the conversation went something like this:

K: I like that David. Asking how to pray sounds like a good question. I wonder, and maybe this just me being slow right now, but I wonder if you could tell me a couple of more concrete examples of what you might see in a particular situation so I can see it better? It could be made up, but it helps me understand if you say, supposed you prayed for help with having arguments with a person and you received this (example of what you might receive) as a response, then this is what you would do.

By the way, also posted the post on MeWe.


David: A memory such as a family friend who refused to take arguments seriously. Who refused to acknowledge anger. Who just laughed in a warm and loving way.

Which teaches me how to be and how to act.

Which gives me a model, exemplar, to learn from. To have a sense of the kind of energy to be applying.

Of someone just refusing to believe in or take seriously or real something less than another persons best self.

Which teaches me to apply these attitudes and behaviors to the situation and person I was praying about.

Or I might have a memory or image of someone who listens deeply and well, with love. To find, with good intent, what the other person is experiencing. How they understand things to be. To understand what they really need from me.

I might remember a story of a saint or someone interceding for someone with a determined and loving intention, while being shown being full of Holy Spirit.

Or just someone who is loving, paying attention, and who reacts without any defensiveness. Just listening deeply and knowing the person who is angry.

Does this help?

These show me how to be, and also how to pray. To pray that such attitudes and actions take place.

Questions? Comments or thoughts?

I might have an image of the sun shining on chilly people. And realize that this is how God shines on us all, and of what I am called to do.

Just shine, warmly.

And pray that I do that, or that it gets done.

Or a warm breeze doing the same.

Or an image of the Dalai Lama or Bishop Desmond Tutu, smiling in the way they do, with understanding, complete acceptance and love.

And realize I am to do that, to be that way, and to pray that I do, until it happens.

Or see or remember a mother cat, licking and loving her kittens.

Or see a leaf, growing happily among many other leaves on a tree, feeling what that’s like and what it means.

Does this make any sense?

You see, having the answer is not always enough.

So we asked how to pray. We’re shown the answer as what to pray for.

And praying for that may be needed until it is done because knowledge alone is not enough.

Knowing an answer can fall short of living out that answer – so prayer is still needed.

We asked how to pray, and are shown how to pray.

Even though it looks like an answer or that it looks like something we have not yet seen as an answer.

In either case, prayer is needed until the thing is done.

We asked to be shown how to pray, and we are being shown how to pray for that answer to happen.

Discipleship, Getting Help Intercession Kingdom of God Missing the mark: Sin Pain Prayer

Prophecy or Judgement?

I believe this is a lesson Father wants me to learn and act upon:

I have a friend who has wonderful prophetic gifts.

Who also has a wonderful capacity to see where someone, especially professing Christians, are wrong. Especially where they are being hypocritical or falling short.

Such an ability can be used to judge, having been hurt and angered by what is seen. And then to do nothing to help them be fully restored.

Emotional healing is needed. Such a person needs to be restored. So they are free to minister in the love of Jesus rather than to judge.

I pray that such a friend, such a person, will come to Jesus to receive emotional healing. That I will have the wisdom to know how to intercede for such a person, and to know how to offer such emotional healing prayer with them. Then to exhort and encourage them to use their gifts to minister where they see need, where they see other Christians missing the mark.

Knowing what ministry is needed, such an ability and gifting can be used to exhort, teach and minister. To restore and redeem, in Jesus.

Knowing what a ministry target Father has on his heart.

For ministry. Not judgement.

Do you know such a person? Highly gifted, hurt and angry? Judgemental?

Who has been missing the opportunity to minister the love of Jesus; to heal, restore? To love, exhort and to teach?

I believe we are sent to extend the mission of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. To help redeem, reconcile and restore.

People may disappoint and even hurt us. Does Jesus want us to judge and leave those people in having missed the mark?

What does Jesus want such a prophetically gifted person to do?

Do you know such a person, or have such a friend?

I have been missing the mark. I have not interceded enough. I have not offered prayer for emotional healing in a way that speaks to my friend. I have not helped my friend – I just see what is missing and wrong.

I am missing the mark. I am sinning. I have the same kind of problem that my friend has. Oh, the irony of this!

Is the Kingdom of God meant to be a multi-level organization of judgement? Where we each see what is wrong with each other and then judge? Or a place where God calls us to do our own part to help create a multi-level Kingdom of restoration, where we each minister with love and joy?

Please pray that I receive every bit of healing and wisdom that I need. So I minister with and in the love of Jesus and see my friend restored. That I not judge. That I not do nothing.

Discipleship Hearing God Joy Kingdom of God Pain Presence of God

Being in His Presence Continually Corrects & Changes Your Heart

Kathy Mote, on Facebook, wrote, “Being in His presence continually corrects and changes your heart. This very much singles you out.This also places those who are called in the position of both great honor and great sacrifice. It is an honor to be humbled, an honor to be obedient, but most of all, an honor to know His heart, especially if that is all you are allowed to know. Knowing this honor makes pale any sacrifice. Being called is being given the honor of having a changed life.”

She wrote more, and wonderful other articles. Worth looking at; if you are on Facebook, I encourage you to follow her.