Conversation with God Discipleship Discipleship, Getting Help Fire Getting Help Intercession Lessons Prayer Praying Shepherdess Spiritual Warfare


(A Powerful Shifter)

By: Praying Shepherdess

Approximate read time: 3-4 minutes

No, No, No! Don’t put out this fire! Get out the firepan (for holding live coals)!

Intercession, prayer, pleading or making request before Abba (our Heavenly Father), CAN make a BIG difference! It’s one “column of clean smoke” you don’t want to snuff out! Take a look at this:

I looked for a man among them who would make up the hedge and stand in the gap before Me for the land so I would not destroy it, but I found none…Ezekiel 22:30

Check this out:

Aaron intercedes (to go or come between) for a rebellious complaining people, running through the crowd with a fire-pan that has incense burning on it. With that act, a plague, that has already killed 14,700 people is stopped! Numbers 16:46-50 (17:11-15 Hebrew Bible format)

Abraham intercedes for any righteous people who might be living in Sodom. The angels agree. There weren’t ten righteous, but before destroying the city, the angels did bring Lot and part of his family out. Genesis 18:23-33 (19:15-17 Hbf)

Moses intercedes many times for a rebellious complaining people with the effect of God averting the deserved judgment! Numbers 11:1,2, 12:11-15, 14:11-20, 21:7-9, Exodus 32:11-14 (to name a few)

Fast forward:

Time of great tribulation – we see the firepans/censers and incense again. Revelation 5:8, 8:3,4

They are mentioned before the seals are opened, and again before the trumpets are sounded.

The prayers/intercessions of the righteous are caused to ascend with the smoke of the incense to be presented to God. Revelations 8:3,4

Could we possibly make a difference in the outcome of some things?

Are the prayers of the humble remnant a part of why/how there is a shortening of the time of tribulation, and/or some other aspect of the “wrap-up?” (See Matthew 24:22, Mark 13:20) Just a thought.

Think about this:

It was prophesied, as instructed by YHWH, accounted in the book of Jonah, that Ninevah would be destroyed for its wickedness. In response the people in Ninevah turned from their wickedness. YHWH forgave them, and God’s judgment was averted.

When Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s tree stump dream, Daniel counseled Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:24) to turn from his sins and to reach out the poor and needy (signifying his heart truly was aligning with God. See Isaiah 58,🕐 1:27, 5:16, II Samuel 22:21). Daniel let him know that his turning from sin and turning to God’s ways perhaps would avert the judgment that had been revealed to him in the dream.

Think of this:

In light of Ezekial 22:30, is it possible that the prayers of Stephen, requesting, “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge,” “moved” God to extend His grace and invitation to Saul, a zealous murderer of the followers of Yeshua, for a life-changing redemption?! It certainly changed his life for the better, and made life easier for others! Acts 7:58,59, 9:1-22

I’m reminding us that sometimes God will avert His judgment because someone is interceding.

The plea of a righteous person is very powerful, working effectively! James/Yaacob 5:16c

(I have heard someone teach, though, that when a “Woe” is pronounced it is a sure thing; the judgment will happen.)

So, on the “other side” of the firepan, God has made mankind with a free-will, freedom of choice. He still honors that installment today.

What we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. What we bind on earth is bound in heaven. That’s why what happened to Ahab happened to him! He continually chose to follow evil (was in agreement with), and the court of heaven finally issued a “warrant for his arrest” (demise, done, dead – No more)! I Kings 16:30-33, 21:25,26, 22:19-22, II Chronicles 18:18-21, Matthew 18:18

As it says in Ezekiel 22:31, 33:20, Zechariah 1:6, Revelations 18:6 (and dozens of other places), God gives back to us according to our own choosing. He is righteous in doing so! Revelations 16:6,7, 19:2…

And yet,

He desires that each of us turn from those things in our lives that don’t line up with His heart, His mind, His will, His ways.

He encourages us to “CHOOSE LIFE!”

And, it seems that He is often open to the opportunities that come when someone chooses to intercede for those who are in danger, or heading in a dangerous direction!

We see these things in Deut 30:15-20, Ezek 22:30, 21:30,32, 18:23,32, 33:11

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die, says Adonai YHWH, and not that he should return from his ways and live?!…

For I have no pleasure in the death of the one who dies, says Adonai YHWH. Therefore, turn yourselves back and live!

The last part of Ezekial 22:30 is the “kicker:”

…I found no one

[to stand in the gap; to come in between the offender and the effect he has coming to him; to intercede; to pray]

therefore I have poured out My indignation upon them.

D i d y o u h e a r t h a t?!

…therefore [because no one was willing to intercede] I have poured out my indignation upon them.

Some sobering things to consider.

Would we be willing to humble ourselves before God and say, with Isaiah,

I am unclean!

And then, as God is graciously cleansing us and inviting us to serve Him in His kingdom, to say,

Here I am, Lord –


If we would stand in the gap, whose life might be changed for the better, and those around him?

What tremendous impact could we have for, and what delight could we bring to our deserving King?!


Pass it on!

Copyright: Praying Shepherdess

This article may be shared only in entirety, or excerpts (which maintain author’s concept), changing nothing, and with entire copyright and permission notice included,

and only for free,

and is granted only to anyone wanting to share the awesomeness of our Creator, the supernatural God of the Bible, YHWH Tsebaoth!

Conversation with God Discipleship Faith Hearing God Holy Spirit Prayer

Faith is Easy When

See Jesus, Have Faith in Him

Too often we are tempted and try to make up faith, we try to “have” faith. Without realizing it, that’s sort of like having faith in faith. Which is close, but still misses the mark. When I do this, I experience great frustration because I know at a deep level that this cannot work.

Faith comes from hearing the Word of God. When you pray or minister like Jesus, doing what you are shown or what you hear – good results come easily. Faith comes easily when we are doing what we hear or what we are shown by God.

When you are doing what God says to do, faith is easier.

Faith that is real and effective grows easily out of a revelation you personally receive from our Lord.

When we recognize the goodness and power of God, it’s easy to have faith in God.

When God says something, and you hear this, having faith is wonderfully easier.

Faith is important because of what faith does. What is it that faith does? Faith has the effect of connecting the Anointing with a need. A need for healing, restoration, or to defeat the works of the devil.

Laying hands on someone is not practical when that someone is out of reach, is far away. But faith connects. Even at a distance. Like when Jesus spoke a word for the healing of the centurion’s servant. The centurion’s faith connected the Anointing of Jesus the Anointed with his servant, who needed healing.

Faith connects. Fresh revelation from Jesus transcends time and space. And when faith comes easily from hearing Jesus in a personal and real way, faith connects the Anointing with the need.

This is one reason why faith is so important.

Another reason faith is so important is that it grows out of hearing directly from our Lord, Creator of our universe. Wow….

Dwell on this. Meditate on this. Let this sink in deeply, so that you hear it from Jesus, through Holy Spirit and hear this for yourself.

Then faith is easy.

Dwell…. Meditate…. Ask Jesus to give you a personal revelation.

Discipleship Empath Healing Intercession Ministry Prayer Prophecy

Putin Needs Prayer

Putin Needs Love and Needs Prayer

Look at pictures of President Putin. Something is clearly wrong. He is suffering, and he looks to me like someone who has been under attack.

We are to pray for our enemies.

We are to pray for leaders, that there may be peace in the land.

Ukraine is, as I write this, under attack. Fighters on all sides and families and others – suffer.

Putin is, I believe, the unfortunate target of spiritual warfare, and it has not been going good for him.

And because he is a leader, it is going badly for many, many other people.

Please pray for President Putin. He is in anguish, tortured, and the pain has been spreading.

Church Life Discipleship Jesus Preaching Kingdom of God Prayer Presence of God Worship

Ekklesia – What is it?

A Gathering of Disciples can be an Ekklesia – Photo from Unsplash, by Shane Rounce

In the New Testament, the word most translated into English as “church” is most often Ekklesia.

An Ekklesia is a special kind of gathering of disciples of Jesus Christ, disciples being learners and doers – students who act on what they are learning.

In Roman culture, an Ekklesia was an important part of government, much like a town council, but with a special duty: to teach people to be like and to become – Romans. So much so that if the Emperor came, he would feel comfortably welcome if he should visit.

Jesus used the term to mean:

  • Disciples gathered to bring heaven to earth
  • Disciples to rule on earth so earth will be like heaven
  • Disciples who rule for the Kingdom of Heaven, and
  • Disciples who help the surrounding peoples become Christians – little Christ’s.

They met in public space – the Temple, and they met in people’s homes.

An Ekklesia didn’t have its own building (with the expense of building it and maintaining the building) or single leaders like a Pastor who was the only person active until Constantine, who forbade meetings in homes and other public spaces, and whose patterns of worship leading were like the pagans. With a single leader in a robe, who led, rather than having several leaders whose job was to prepare the people for ministry, as taught in scripture.

The main purpose of an Ekklesia is to influence the culture surrounding it, so Jesus served these people through Christian Disciples. And so that people surrounding became Christians.

Through the preaching of the Kingdom of God that Jesus preached and taught, including the healing of the sick and the freeing of people bound by unclean spirits, raising the dead and cleansing lepers.

Ekklesia’s prayed for people, ministered to them, announced the Good News of the Kingdom to them, helped them become Christians and Disciples. Who made more Disciples. Who planted more Ekklesias. Often through local businesses – the marketplace. The Message that Jesus preached and taught spread with wonderful and amazing speed.

And you can learn to take part and be a part of this today. What a great way to live!

Conversation with God Friendship Hearing God Holy Spirit Jesus Jesus's Communication Ministry Prayer

Hearing and Seeing What God has to Say with a Spiritual Director

Help Hearing God

A Spiritual Director or spiritual friend has a simple job: to help you hear God for yourself, with greater confidence and clarity, joining in a conversation that God is already having with you.

When you want to receive what God has to “say” (it’s not always in words), a spiritual director can sometimes be mighty helpful. I know, because I’ve been helped this way. Often.

Why and how can this be? What goes on? I’m still figuring this out, but my current understanding is something like this:

“Hearing” God can be hard, because:

-Our own opinions, beliefs, personal history and other “stuff” can sometimes make it harder to hear God by ourselves.

-A lot of us still need a lot more practice trying to hear from God. (Hearing is a metaphor that can include words, still knowing that is pre-verbal, seeing or feeling something, noticing thoughts in our mind that might be from God, and lots more. Whew! No wonder we can use help!)

-There are many ways God “speaks” to us, and the methods God uses have useful side effects to help us. For more on this, see:

A Spiritual Director or spiritual friend can sometimes help:

-Your issues are not felt so deeply by another person, are not so personal, making hearing easier.

-Someone with practice hearing from God, and whose abilities complement yours can be a wonderful partner. Especially when

-They care. When you and they have a “heart connection”, connect well.

-Having someone who listens deeply and well, with their heart, helps us all clarify issues and be clearer and more ready for fresh insight.

A Spiritual Director of spiritual friend has a Helper, Holy Spirit, who

-Is the same Helper and Comforter who is helping you! We have Someone in common.

-The two humans can have a conversation, which is private and aimed at helping, and both of us have the same Holy Spirit who is communicating with you.

A Spiritual Director or spiritual friend has had lots of experience receiving such help. Knows what it’s like. Can be sensitive to issues about spiritual direction and to what may matter to you.

A Spiritual Director or spiritual friend has a simple job: to help you hear God for yourself, with greater confidence and clarity, joining in a conversation that God is already having with you.

Conversation with God Discipleship Hearing God Prayer Worship

A New Way to Pray


For many of us, this will be a new way to pray. If not, good for you! You get to be reminded, anyway.

Jesus was asked how to pray.

11 Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”

So He said to them, “When you pray, say:

Our[a] Father [b]in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
[c]Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us day by day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And do not lead us into temptation,
[d]But deliver us from the evil one.”

Luke 11:2-4, NKJV

While most of us think of prayer as first being petition, this prayer is not so much petition as it is a series of declarations of what is true. It’s a series of important and true statements that are already true, that we are being taught to affirm and declare.

Now, let us be ready to not only declare or ask, but also be ready to pause and listen, pause and hear, after each declaration. (Always a good idea, is to pause and listen for a response from God. And this also allows what we declare and say to sink in more deeply. While also giving Holy Spirit a better opportunity to work in us and through us.)

The whole prayer, made clearer as a series of declarations might be read like this:

Our Father is in heaven. (We have the same father, he is not on earth so much as he is in heaven. We are speaking this to Father. Just as Jesus prayed – to our Father; and just as Jesus taught us to pray.)

Your Name is holy. (The nature of who you are, is holiness.)

Your Kingdom is coming.

Your will is being done.

It (your will) is being done on earth as it already is in heaven.

You give us this day our daily bread. (You meet our needs each day.)

You forgive our sins in the same way that we forgive others.

You never lead us into temptation.

You deliver us from evil.

Now for the next step in learning to pray this prayer.

After you declare each idea, each line, one at a time, pause and be silent, be still in the Presence of God. Listen and pay attention.

You might not hear words, but I believe you will find it is different when you do this, and that you are transformed, so that you are different.

This can be a wonderful way to pray. After all, Jesus teaches us this. With Holy Spirit.

Let Jesus teach you, and you – you be responsive to Holy Spirit.

Let it all sink in deeply.

You will be blessed, greatly blessed.

Conversation with God Hearing God Holy Spirit Jesus Learning Prayer

How I hear God More Easily – Not Buying Another Book.

Holy Spirit – from

I’ve learned that when I think I need to buy another book about hearing God well, what it really means for me is that I am not full enough of Holy Spirit.

I have not asked to be more full of Holy Spirit and received by faith. It’s easy to do. I may not feel Holy Spirit, but the results are easy to notice.

Hearing from God is lots and lots easier for me when I am full of Holy Spirit. And all I have to do is ask, and receive by faith. No drama needed. I rarely notice more of Holy Spirit, except for the side effects, which are extremely obvious. Such as hearing God better.

(I mention that twice because it’s so important, and too easy to miss.)

When I follow Holy Spirit, Fruit of the Spirit is easy, and just flows. Love, patience, self-control, and other good Fruit.

I am operating out of my New Self instead of my Old self. New Self has no wounds or over-reactions. No traumas. No lack of access to wisdom and love and…other wonderful things.

Best of all, I am hearing from God more easily.

And I didn’t even distract myself by buying yet another book on the subject – because that wasn’t my issue. I just need to pay attention and ask for and receive more of Holy Spirit by faith.

Which is really easy. Even when I don’t feel it; but the results are easy to notice.

How does being more full of Holy Spirit help you with hearing from God better?

Conversation with God Disciple Making Discipleship Evangelize Faith Friendship Getting Help Gospel Jesus Joy Kingdom of God Ministry Prayer

There are Multiple Biblical Ways to Salvation

John Benitez – Unsplash

Those of us who use even a somewhat Evangelical approach to salvation have a few prayers that we encourage so that someone can experience salvation.

The Bible takes a different approach. So much so that the most frequent method to attain salvation in the bible is one I’ve never seen or heard of being used with a potential convert. By hindsight, this is a bit astounding.

Yet in real life, it makes perfect sense. And the usual prayers are used for several good reasons.

It really is wise and good that we get to know more consciously about Jesus, and Jesus as our Lord. And that this be expressed clearly in our prayer.

So what is this most frequently mentioned method of achieving salvation in scriptures that is so unused for making converts? It’s actually a method frequently used by the rest of us.

A very common prayer, used by many of us when we need help, when we need and want to be saved. Just seldom used to help someone become a convert to Christianity.

What is this frequently used approach for getting help when most needed, but seldom if ever used to help someone become a convert?

It’s simply this: call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.

Biblical theology is probably wider and more inclusive than our theologies. God is certainly more broad minded than we are.

And this illustrates very well how some things are taught about to us and for us in scripture from many angles, in many ways. And we tend to focus on one way, sometimes proof-texting, yet even so, we tend to focus on one very good way. But God and scriptures offers more options than we often think about and sometimes more options than we even normally trust or believe in.

Thank you, Lord, for being so broad minded, for thinking differently than we do, for being more loving and generous than we yet are able to grasp.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving us eternity to continue to get to know you and your love. We need you. And we need eternity to explore and learn about your love and your depth. Thank you, Lord!

Discipleship Gifts Holy Spirit Learning Prayer Prophecy

Practice Using Your Spiritual Gifts

Actively Practice using Your Spiritual Gifts

A friend, who believes she has gifts as a prophetic seer and gifts of healing, asked some important questions. This may answer some of your questions, too. We need to practice using our Spiritual Gifts to we become more skillful; just like we need to practice playing an instrument even if you are gifted at music. Here’s our dialogue, lightly edited for clarity.

Q. Will be for Questioner, A. for Answerer.

Q. Will there be anything happening soon in my life?

A. Yes.

Q. Like?

A. You are learning to ask Jesus questions, and pay attention to Holy Spirit for answers.
As you learn to do this, and to act on what you learn, your life will transformed hugely.
This opens whole new worlds of doing and ministry for you.
And you will be adding even more love to your ministry. The generous, God kind of love: agape. As in 1 Corinthians 13.

Q. Amazing

A. When you minister and if someone experiences love, that is successful ministry! This is an important standard to learn.
As you learn and do this, your life transforms even more.
And sometimes you will see or learn that healing has happened (not all healing is instantaneous). You will learn to listen to Holy Spirit for how to love and how to minister; how to use your gifts more and better.
This changes everything!
And you can apply asking Jesus and paying attention to and learning to hear and see answers, and acting on them — then our Lord himself is tutoring you. Your Helper is your Teacher.
He is already in you.

Q. Amen 🙏

A. And you can ask for more of him in you. I find this makes hearing God much more practical and better. When I do this, I hear God so much more and more easily and better. Even though I don’t feel a thing – I can experience the difference, having asked for more of Holy Spirit.
And I can ask for Holy Spirit to be on me more. On me for ministry for others.
Holy Spirit can transform the atmosphere of where you are, the room you are in.
Ask how, and do as you are shown. It’s a wonderful thing to do – for yourself as well as others.

Q. I will

A. People will gradually learn that the atmosphere is better where you are. Some people will learn more quickly, others more slowly. Yet many will learn.
And this opens doors.
For more ministry.

A. People who come to my house report that the atmosphere is full of peace. That’s the Presence and Spirit of God doing that.

Q. Wow.

A. You will do this, also. You will transform the atmosphere of where you live and work. The Presence of God and Holy Spirit will transform the atmosphere of places you go. People will notice and be helped. Some even heal without your doing anything, as Holy Spirit ministers in the place where you are.
You get to be an active participant in all this!

Q. Glory to God!!

A. You invite more of Holy Spirit. You are transformed, and Holy Spirit will do what Holy Spirit does in that place and with the people there.
Invite more of Holy Spirit. And receive with faith.
So simple; easy to forget to do. Yet Holy Spirit is literally our Helper. Your Helper.

Q. Got it

A. The same Helper that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and will help you. Invite and call on and receive more of Holy Spirit.

Q. Ok

A. I find this stunning, I am amazed, and when I remember these things I want to call out to God in praise or even song. (Considering how much I love worship in silence, that’s amazing.)

A. And when you find a partner who will pray for you as you do these things or minister, ministry results will improve even more. And later, you can pray for them as they minister. And talk to each other about how it went. What you are learning. Encourage one another.
Jesus always sent out his disciples in pairs.
When I have no partner, I look for someone who will pray for me when asked. Then I have prayer support while ministering.
They and I can talk about it afterwards, what happened, what we’re learning. It can be exhilarating and joyous.
This is what I want for you; these very things.

Q. Oh how I want this for myself

A. Good!
This is what our Lord wants for you.

Q. God will send me some really special
A. Yes.
You can copy and paste from these notes into your prayer journal, or start one. Or other notes in a file or notebook.
Then start practicing these things and learn as you go. Learn as you ask your Helper to help you learn these things and to help you do these things.
And give you even better ideas, from Jesus. Who knows so much more than you or I.
Here’s an interesting principle, not well recognized: how much you seek God with your heart – is how much God will make himself known and present to you. And even more. He will always do the same or more, as you. (I think more; yet the more you do, the more he multiplies the grace he gives you.)
If he made himself totally known to us, our brains would fry.
So he is gentle and careful. And gives of himself in proportion to how much and how strongly you seek with your heart.

A. – The principle above is courtesy of Al Mack (Nor’west Prophetic).

Q. Amazing and wonderful!
A. Yes. So just practice.
Look for people who need healing, ask how to heal them, and do as Jesus tells you through Holy Spirit. You will be ministering like Jesus, who only did what he heard and saw.

Discipleship, Getting Help Faith Holy Spirit HSP Prayer Spiritual Warfare

Clean & Space = Safe


You can, by faith, ask for and receive and thoroughly enjoy a Holy Spirit Shower. A shower not of water, but of Holy Spirit. Wonderfully cleansing – of anything that does not belong.

What does not belong might be something like a thought or feeling that you’ve kept too long or something you’ve picked up from something or someone else.


Next, take a few moments. Imagine yourself carefully putting on a space suit. Then,

Space Suit

You can, by faith, ask for and receive a Holy Spirit Space Suit. Wonderfully safe, your personal space and boundaries are amazingly and supernaturally protected.

Notice and enjoy how you are doing, how your experience is different. Enjoy, and praise your Lord.