Conversation with God Jesus's Communication Joy

A Revelation that Jesus Loves You?

When you get this revelation, what do you look like? How are you looking different?

Would you like to know?

Have a personal revelation from Jesus himself that affects you and transforms you and improves your life. Changes how you experience your universe.

You need to know. You hunger for the truth of this deep on the inside.

You can find out. Have a conversation with Jesus and listen. Ask what you hunger to know so that when you hear this from him, there will be no question in your mind.

When Jesus tells you such a thing as this, you know. You know that you know. You feel it in your heart, soul, and the feeling overflows into your body. So much so it changes you.

I wonder who else will notice the changes in you?

Healing Holy Spirit Joy Kingdom of God Pain

You Are Restored

A New Person — Tatiana Syrikova – Unsplash

Life has wounded you – too many times! You hurt inside, because we live in a broken world. A world full of many kinds of trouble.

Jesus has restored you. Completely. Will you take joy in this?

If you live in the Kingdom of God, this is already true for you: you have been and are completely restored. In fact, you’ve even been made better than you were before.

If you do not yet live in the Kingdom of God, begin now. It’s a simple thing once you hear it and when the truth of it resonates deeply in you.

Then you discover that Jesus has actually already restored you. A wonderful discovery for you to make.

This is just a fact. But, for you to experience this as fully and completely as you can, there is a condition:

You trust, rely and really depend on your Restoration more than you trust and depend on old injuries. You trust Jesus more than you trust the Adversary or in a horribly broken world. And more than you trust old injuries.

Will you do this? (You may have habits of trusting injuries and brokenness more than your Restoration to Wholeness and Joy.)

Want some hints on how to do this even better? I’m glad you asked. Here are some especially uncomplicated ways to accomplish this (life is easy when you are doing these things – hard when you do not). Try them one at a time and discover which you are best at, which is most easy and effective for you.

  • Follow or walk in line with Holy Spirit. You will experience Fruit of the Spirit, including love and joy. (See Galations 5:16-25.)
  • Be full of Holy Spirit. Ask for more and receive by faith.
  • Put the right standing with God and the Kingdom of God first. This will re-align all your values in the present moment, and you will be much more in tune with the Kingdom of God.
  • Love God with all your heart, soul and strength. Allow God’s love for you to spill over to others.
  • Trust God and resist evil. In fact, draw closer to God and resist evil: a simple two direction move that will give you freedom and joy!

When you are experiencing God – as Jesus, Holy Spirit, Father – or all of these Persons of the Trinity – and you realize that Jesus is near (that’s why one of his names is Immanuel – God with us), or realize that Holy Spirit actually already lives inside of you, or how much Father loves you and has had good plans for you before the beginning – when you realize and rejoice in the nearness of God or God’s life already in you — life is easier, joyful and you are whole.

Your New Person, created by God as you came into the Kingdom, is already whole and complete and fully restored. Experience this! It’s a glorious way to live.

It is your Old Self that has the wounds and injuries. (Not you.) This is who died when you were born again. Don’t you dare live out of your dead Old Self when you can live out of your resurrected New Person!

Your New Person has no wounds. Your New Person – the real and alive “you” already has Holy Spirit – your Comforter, Guide and your Advocate for when you are being accused.

You have been completely restored, and more. Rejoice! (It’s a choice. An outstanding choice! Don’t be tricked by habits or a broken world or by the devil into living out of injuries that aren’t even alive – aren’t even really yours any more.)

Rejoice! A most excellent way to be living!

Anointing Calling Joy Ministry Success Vocation

Favor of God in Show Business

I have a brilliant friend, Herb Otter, Jr. – who has long been in show business. Says he often gets terrible reviews and people talk about not wanting him. Yet they keep calling him back to perform more. He has had as much business as he could handle.

How does this happen, you might wonder?

I am sure I know why. He has Jesus in him; he expresses Jesus often. He has Holy Spirit in him and on him.

He also considers his audience; on purpose he gives them fun and shows the value of improvising. He also teaches, encourages, and reminds us all to have fun and to improvise.

Personally, I have long suspected that this is his mission: to teach, encourage and remind us to improvise and have fun. It’s a brilliant way to live!

Also…this sounds to me a lot like the work of Holy Spirit that he’s teaching and encouraging. This is an important part of how Holy Spirit operates in us, and through us, and in our lives.

Conversation with God Hearing God Joy Prayer Trinity

Invitation to Encounter

Every time you want more of God, Every time God whispers or speaks to you, every time you simply long or more — our Lord speaking to you, directly and indirectly. Inviting you to a further encounter with him.

The Trinity speaks to you. You may speak to the Trinity, all at once or individually. I encourage you to explore both — you may be wonderfully surprised. I certainly was. Again, and again and again – I am surprised!

God’s first language is not English. The whisper of Still Small Voice is without words, even – though it can be translated into words. More or less. A Gift of Knowledge may come as a memory, an association, a symbol, something perhaps seen, maybe heard, often felt. All kinds of ways. Through co-incidences. It’s fairly safe to say that God speaks to you in all ways possible.

Can it be that every time God speaks to you in different ways, it is a different form of a Gift of Knowledge? If so, and you accept this, then you are receiving Gifts of Knowledge far more often than you probably have thought. You may be receiving but not yet noticing other gifts as well.

Spiritual Gifts of every kind are more frequent than most of us believe, and each one – each time – is an invitation to encounter.

So don’t just pay attention to your favorite ways like I have done for too long. You’ll miss too much.

God’s different ways of speaking to you is for his purposes. And they serve well for his purposes. So pay attention to a connection of how you “hear” and his purposes; your learning to hear will speed up tremendously.

Each way God speaks to you is an invitation to an encounter with him.

I don’t really know yet if God speaks to us all the time. At times I have certainly thought so, and I’ve found this can be a useful assumption — it gets me to listen much more often and much better, too.

I’ve often wondered why there is no name in Scriptures for God like, “Lord of Surprises”. Because he surprises me so often.

Revelation is usually a surprise – something new or a new deepening of something known.

Now here’s a surprise about revelation. Every revelation is not just an uncovering of an answer or mystery or a drawing of a curtain back onto information – it is also something that’s about the very nature of God.

A revelation is also revelation about the nature of God. If you will receive it, a revelation is an encounter with an aspect of God. That can take you closer to a more complete form of wholeness. It’s a revelation that transforms you. An encounter that transforms you. And that helps you be a bit more like God is.

Blessings Multiply Joy Kingdom of God Presence of God

Like Fireworks Exploding, Watch Blessings Multiply

One of my favorite things in the world to do, that has become a great habit, is to look expectantly for blessings to watch.

It is the nature of blessings to multiply!

Blessings grow in the life of a person being blessed, and multiply. Blessings grow and spread to more people: and multiply!

Watch this happening. Expect this. Pray for this. Give thanks for how blessings multiply like fireworks in the sky on a July 4th day of Independence in the U.S.A. Glorious!

One result: by looking for how blessings multiply, you will see this multiplication more often. You will have more reason to rejoice. More confidence in God. More joy in your life.

Enjoy watching blessings multiply and grow in people and among people, and in nature, beauty, and just having the ability to breathe with joy!

Discipleship Discipleship, Getting Help Hearing God Holy Spirit Joy Kingdom of God Miracles Prayer Presence of God

From a Leg Cramp to No Canes

Be filled with Holy Spirit and keep paying attention – and be whole & healed!

This morning I slept a bit later than usual, then woke with a cramp. It was sharp, and hurt. Fortunately, it was a small muscle leg cramp.

I remembered something Al Mack wrote on Facebook yesterday about the importance of keeping our attention on God. So I called on Holy Spirit and asked for help.

The more I kept attention on Holy Spirit, the less it hurt. This was good. Then more happened….

I felt muscles shift throughout the middle of my body. First, this helped the cramping, reducing it nicely. Then something even better happened, as I kept my attention on Holy Spirit.

I felt muscles continue to shift, the balance of my body changed, also. And I knew I could walk without my rolling walker, and even without canes.

I tested this out. It felt wonderful – much better to stand and walk with such freedom. It felt strange, not having walked like this in more years than I clearly remember at the moment.

Since then I’ve been testing this out. Strange and wonderful it is to walk with my hands free to carry or do things. The joy of very every day things has multiplied. Handling soap, going to the sink, walking with my dogs so I can let them out of the house in the morning — all done with a fair amount of joy.

I hope I keep on noticing and paying attention to such every day joy. I have asked for this, too; and I have confidence that this is mine. I used to be this way and now am experiencing joy in every day things again. Hallelujah!

I am being careful with muscles. I have been getting stronger, but some muscles have not been used much for some years now. So I am being conscious not to over do walking too much while I continue to get stronger.

I was amazed and grateful when I was, a few years ago, able to stand and walk right, hips and legs not being an obstacle to that. I rejoiced and was glad. I knew I was healed, and I walked. And I knew healing would continue to show up.

And I rejoice and am glad now.

And there are muscles to use and strengthen; a body to get used to again. And joy to be had that these things are so.

The power of keeping our attention on Holy Spirit can and does release miracles, just doing that. And a wonderful companionship. Walking with Jesus is the same…there is a certain energy and understanding love that comes through him that always surprises and is amazing. And it is hugely wonderful to walk with him.

Now I can walk with him while I metaphorically walk with him. I have no words for this, so I’ll stop writing, now.

Discipleship Hearing God Joy Kingdom of God Pain Presence of God

Being in His Presence Continually Corrects & Changes Your Heart

Kathy Mote, on Facebook, wrote, “Being in His presence continually corrects and changes your heart. This very much singles you out.This also places those who are called in the position of both great honor and great sacrifice. It is an honor to be humbled, an honor to be obedient, but most of all, an honor to know His heart, especially if that is all you are allowed to know. Knowing this honor makes pale any sacrifice. Being called is being given the honor of having a changed life.”

She wrote more, and wonderful other articles. Worth looking at; if you are on Facebook, I encourage you to follow her.

Discipleship Discipleship, Getting Help Getting Help Hearing God Joy Kingdom of God Prayer Presence of God

Experience More of the Presence of God

Good Friday by Anita Brown

Presence is experienced by humans as being in a particular place – so choose a place near you and be attentive and receptive to Presence of God in that place.

Similar to when King David set the Presence of God at his right hand.

When you are experiencing the presence of someone you love, you breathe differently. When you are more full of Holy Spirit – perhaps because you ask and receive by faith – you breathe differently.

Watch how you breathe when you are appreciating the Presence of God being in your midst, being near you.

The awareness of the Presence of God can be contagious and others more easily sense this – if they are sensitive to the Presence of God. If they are not, they need Presence even more. Make this a gift to others, experiencing the Presence in a particular place when you are with others. The gift from Holy Spirit to you in such instances may be that you experience Presence more easily as you do this! Ask how, and maybe even why…and discover what you can learn about this.

One of the names of Jesus is Immanuel. Which translated means, God is with you. It’s a promise in his name. Literally! A promise.

All you have to do is make a choice to receive this promise and pay attention, being attentive – like you would with a friend or a family member who is near you. You can sense their energy, their presence, what they are like.

Once you notice or remember that they are near you, you can easily be attentive to them even while you are doing ordinary things.

Similarly, when you remember Immanuel, that God is with you, you can choose to be attentive to the Presence of God who is near you and with you. Paying attention in a particular place often helps make it more real for you.

Because God is everywhere, you can choose anywhere. It’s hard to sense everywhere with clarity and strength, though you can learn to be aware of I Am. You can become aware of what I like to call, for myself, “Awareness of Consciousness of Being”.

Once you do this, you can also choose or recognize where is right and good and best at this moment, to sense and be aware of the Presence of God who is near you.

You can intend to allow Presence of God to affect the space around you, to affect you, to affect those around you…and as you practice and get better at this simple thing — the affect of the Presence of God in you, on you, around you and in the atmosphere of where you are – and especially the people around you — will be affected.

When we are attentive to and noticing Immanuel, God with us, we experience more wholeness more easily. We feel stronger. More capable. Safer. And more joyous.

I encourage you to experiment. To give thanks and enjoy! (Here is a valuable hint – a key – the more gratitude you feel [perhaps by remembering and savoring three things or more that you are grateful for] — the more easily you will experience the Presence of God.)

Experiment and explore for yourself. See what you can discover and learn. Miracles, joy, safety and happiness happen more easily and more often when you experience the Presence of God. Experimenting is very worth while!

Questions? Comments? Something to share? Let me know by email at:

Discipleship Getting Help Jesus Preaching Joy Key Article Kingdom of God Presence of God

The Good News that Jesus Preaches

I say preaches instead of preached because he still preaches through the Body of Christ and with the help of Holy Spirit.

But what is this Good News? It is different than a lot of us expect.

Mark 1:15 is the shortest version. We’ll explore other versions later – this is just a start. Mark gives key bullet points, a sort of minimal set of what this Gospel is. Depending on your translation, it goes something like this: “Now is the time. The Kingdom is at hand. Repent and believe the Good News”.

Let’s take a closer look at this –

  • Now is the time. It has been a long time in coming. It’s a special moment. And, for humans, when someone – especially with the Anointing, says, “Now” — we tend to focus very much on the present moment. Which is good. Now is the only time decisions can be made. Especially deep decisions.
  • The Kingdom is at hand – literally means is within reach. This is the Kingdom of God where God rules. Things are the way God wants and says. Not sickness, financial difficulties, relationship troubles – even in families. No trouble with bosses, financial cycles — none of the broken things of this world that affect us so much outside of the Kingdom of God.
  • Repenting is to make a new and deep decision to turn around our lives and orient them towards God and the Kingdom. In this case, with Jesus preaching – the King is actually physically present. (After he ascended the Apostles taught and preached a bit differently – they had to. They were not the King being physically present.)
  • And believe. Which can be to continue to believe, and to continue to orient our lives around God and his Kingdom.
  • What a relief to have God’s Kingdom come and rule where we have troubles in our lives in this broken world.

This is the context, the preaching of the Good News of the Kingdom, by the King (Jesus the Anointed One), where the sick were healed, demons and unclean spirits exorcized, lepers cleansed, the dead raised – and disciples made.

In such a context, the preaching of the Good News of the Kingdom of God changes the atmosphere, and the context – and we more easily receive our Lord’s grace.

Where disciples heal, free the bound, and so forth. Where disciples make more disciples who multiply and make yet more disciples.

More on these things and how they are related in another posting.

Questions or comments? Love to hear them! Email me at

Angels Discipleship Intercession Joy Prayer Presence of God

Setting the Presence of God

King David set the Presence of God at his right hand. See Psalm 16:8, Acts 2:25. You can do this by sincere intention and prayer, too!

Angels do what God says. God has said, many times (use your Internet search engine for this if you want examples), “Be holy.”

That is, be set apart, be consecrated.

So…say what God says. Say what God said. Be what God says to be, do what God says to do. Discover what happens!

Considering this meditatively while at an electronic church meeting, someone (K.) spoke of a need for the Presence of God for someone else, someone close to her.

So if we can set the Presence of God for ourselves as King David did, if we can say what God said – it is likely angels may help.

I had a micro-vision: Four angels at corners of my property, with Temple with Presence of God in the Temple. Four angels around me personally, at corners of the Temple.

You are the Temple of God. You literally carry God’s Presence.

Angels who worship often carry the Presence of God and the atmosphere of heaven in a powerful way. Help make the experience of the Presence of God stronger where you are, too. In worship services. In church. In the Temple of God — in you!

Why not pray for someone, and set the Presence in and around where they are personally. Their personal space. Their car. Where they live. Where they work. Such prayer is called intercession.


–This is for K. Keep praying!