Presence is experienced by humans as being in a particular place – so choose a place near you and be attentive and receptive to Presence of God in that place.
Similar to when King David set the Presence of God at his right hand.
When you are experiencing the presence of someone you love, you breathe differently. When you are more full of Holy Spirit – perhaps because you ask and receive by faith – you breathe differently.
Watch how you breathe when you are appreciating the Presence of God being in your midst, being near you.
The awareness of the Presence of God can be contagious and others more easily sense this – if they are sensitive to the Presence of God. If they are not, they need Presence even more. Make this a gift to others, experiencing the Presence in a particular place when you are with others. The gift from Holy Spirit to you in such instances may be that you experience Presence more easily as you do this! Ask how, and maybe even why…and discover what you can learn about this.
One of the names of Jesus is Immanuel. Which translated means, God is with you. It’s a promise in his name. Literally! A promise.
All you have to do is make a choice to receive this promise and pay attention, being attentive – like you would with a friend or a family member who is near you. You can sense their energy, their presence, what they are like.
Once you notice or remember that they are near you, you can easily be attentive to them even while you are doing ordinary things.
Similarly, when you remember Immanuel, that God is with you, you can choose to be attentive to the Presence of God who is near you and with you. Paying attention in a particular place often helps make it more real for you.
Because God is everywhere, you can choose anywhere. It’s hard to sense everywhere with clarity and strength, though you can learn to be aware of I Am. You can become aware of what I like to call, for myself, “Awareness of Consciousness of Being”.
Once you do this, you can also choose or recognize where is right and good and best at this moment, to sense and be aware of the Presence of God who is near you.
You can intend to allow Presence of God to affect the space around you, to affect you, to affect those around you…and as you practice and get better at this simple thing — the affect of the Presence of God in you, on you, around you and in the atmosphere of where you are – and especially the people around you — will be affected.
When we are attentive to and noticing Immanuel, God with us, we experience more wholeness more easily. We feel stronger. More capable. Safer. And more joyous.
I encourage you to experiment. To give thanks and enjoy! (Here is a valuable hint – a key – the more gratitude you feel [perhaps by remembering and savoring three things or more that you are grateful for] — the more easily you will experience the Presence of God.)
Experiment and explore for yourself. See what you can discover and learn. Miracles, joy, safety and happiness happen more easily and more often when you experience the Presence of God. Experimenting is very worth while!
Questions? Comments? Something to share? Let me know by email at: David@DavidBurnet.com