Angels Faith Glory Jesus

Gabriel and an Angel of the Lord Announced

Gabriel and an Angel of the Lord announced the birth of Jesus Christ.

Angels are messengers. Gabriel is an Archangel. An Angel of the Lord is a very special Angel representing God – who some believe actually is God.

Clearly these are very special messengers who announce the birth of Jesus Christ.

Common reactions to angels in scripture include great weakness, fear, and often an inclination to worship.

So to receive such announcements is no small thing. Angels make a strong impression and can even be terrifying to those who experience such messengers.

And to receive such a message from the Archangel Gabriel or an Angel of the Lord — must only multiply and make even much stronger an inclination to worship, to be filled with terror, or both.

Powerful messengers give powerful messages and powerful experiences.

Take a moment and imagine what it may be like to receive such a message. A message actually announcing the birth of Jesus Christ.

We’ve heard or read the story so many times that we probably have forgotten, even if we had some idea, forgotten what it must have been like to receive such a message.

And the message itself, delivered by angels: announcing the birth of the Savior of our world! To people who probably had heard prophecies of this, but who had not lived their whole lives like we have with this birth being an established fact.

Powerful messages, by powerful angels. The experience of a lifetime. Provoking awe, possibly fear, and probably a desire to worship.

The mere idea of this as I consider the importance and value of such an announcement brings tears to my eyes as I write this. No doubt a very weak reaction compared to the people who received such messages.

And only a hint of the glory of the delivery of such messages, as to the birth of Jesus Christ – the Savior or our world.

And for Gabriel, a high honor to give such a message. And for the Angel of the Lord — I cannot begin to understand what it was like for the Angel of the Lord to give such a message.

I do know this: considering what it may have been like to receive such a message, and considering what it may have been like to deliver such a message — deepens my appreciation for such events. And brings to me a bit more awe and a bit more sense of the holy, and the Holy One who is Jesus the Christ.

And I pray the same blessing for you. Take a moment to pause in the Presence of God, of Immanuel, God with us — and give thanks.

Angels Discipleship Hearing God Holy Spirit Intercession Ministry Miracles Prayer, Intercession, Angels,

Always Praying

It is more practical to continue praying and to be praying always than many of us have thought. It’s easy, it’s good to do – and it can be important, even life saving.

The first time this happened, and I was led with conscious awareness by Holy Spirit was after my father collapsed and threw up a rather large amount of blood.

He was rushed to the hospital, and immediately sent to emergency surgery. Which took a surprisingly long number of hours.

I prayed for him and for his surgery to go well and for his healing. Holy Spirit was directing me. I saw a star, a smallish star, and I knew I was to keep my attention on this star as a part of my prayer.

So where ever I was, what ever I was doing, I kept part of my attention on this “star”, as I was being gifted and led to do.

I was helping, I was praying, and I would be learning from this.

It turns out that when they thought they were finished with the surgery, they miscounted sponges and thought they were missing one. So they opened him up and looked for it.

As they were looking for this sponge, they found a small artery that was bleeding. They said it would have killed him, but was small enough so that there would be no dramatic symptoms right away – which would delay or even keep them from knowing they had to cut him open again to find the bleed and save his life.

The found the small bleeding artery, closed it, and closed him up. Surgery was successful, and he lived.

He not only lived, he went on to change his life in other good and needed ways – which gave him a longer life and a better one. That’s another story.

From what I could tell, the time I the star and the flow of intention and dunamos energy stopped was about the same time the opened him up again, found the bleeding artery and fixed it.

The timing was to teach me something about how prayer goes.

And I learned consciously how to pray in the Spirit, with my spirit. How to notice and respond to the signals I was given, to obey and continue. Until it was done.

You can do this too. Pray in the Spirit, noticing and paying attention, obeying what is given you, until it is done.

You will be praying continuously, and can continue until it is complete: until the prayer work is done. You will know when it’s done, because a part of you is still and continuously paying attention.

You can pray in the Spirit. With your spirit. Notice what you are given to do, led to do; and to obey until it is complete.

You will over the course of your lifetime, by doing this, help many people in many situations. Including following Holy Spirit as someone heals. Lives will sometimes be saved. Other blessings will accrue.

Pray in the Spirit as directed until it is done and complete. You can do this, and our Lord wants you to do so.

Thus you will be doing what you are shown, and ministering more like Jesus.

Angels Discipleship Intercession Joy Prayer Presence of God

Setting the Presence of God

King David set the Presence of God at his right hand. See Psalm 16:8, Acts 2:25. You can do this by sincere intention and prayer, too!

Angels do what God says. God has said, many times (use your Internet search engine for this if you want examples), “Be holy.”

That is, be set apart, be consecrated.

So…say what God says. Say what God said. Be what God says to be, do what God says to do. Discover what happens!

Considering this meditatively while at an electronic church meeting, someone (K.) spoke of a need for the Presence of God for someone else, someone close to her.

So if we can set the Presence of God for ourselves as King David did, if we can say what God said – it is likely angels may help.

I had a micro-vision: Four angels at corners of my property, with Temple with Presence of God in the Temple. Four angels around me personally, at corners of the Temple.

You are the Temple of God. You literally carry God’s Presence.

Angels who worship often carry the Presence of God and the atmosphere of heaven in a powerful way. Help make the experience of the Presence of God stronger where you are, too. In worship services. In church. In the Temple of God — in you!

Why not pray for someone, and set the Presence in and around where they are personally. Their personal space. Their car. Where they live. Where they work. Such prayer is called intercession.


–This is for K. Keep praying!