Angels Discipleship Intercession Joy Prayer Presence of God

Setting the Presence of God

King David set the Presence of God at his right hand. See Psalm 16:8, Acts 2:25. You can do this by sincere intention and prayer, too!

Angels do what God says. God has said, many times (use your Internet search engine for this if you want examples), “Be holy.”

That is, be set apart, be consecrated.

So…say what God says. Say what God said. Be what God says to be, do what God says to do. Discover what happens!

Considering this meditatively while at an electronic church meeting, someone (K.) spoke of a need for the Presence of God for someone else, someone close to her.

So if we can set the Presence of God for ourselves as King David did, if we can say what God said – it is likely angels may help.

I had a micro-vision: Four angels at corners of my property, with Temple with Presence of God in the Temple. Four angels around me personally, at corners of the Temple.

You are the Temple of God. You literally carry God’s Presence.

Angels who worship often carry the Presence of God and the atmosphere of heaven in a powerful way. Help make the experience of the Presence of God stronger where you are, too. In worship services. In church. In the Temple of God — in you!

Why not pray for someone, and set the Presence in and around where they are personally. Their personal space. Their car. Where they live. Where they work. Such prayer is called intercession.


–This is for K. Keep praying!

Discipleship, Getting Help


Help is available. Our Lord will help, and is glad to do so.

Our part is to Ask. Simply Ask.

Ask with openness, with readiness to receive.

Too many times in my own life I have struggled, worried, been in pain that was not necessary.

As soon as I remembered to Ask, help came. Quickly and well, such help came.

I teach people to do this, and I still can too easily forget to Ask.

And when I do remember, and Ask, help comes.

Ask. Be sincere, deeply open, ready to receive and maybe even to learn.

Help will come. Our Lord is good, and generous. So Ask.