Discipleship Hearing God Holy Spirit Jesus Ministry Prayer Prophecy

The God Listener

Hearing the Voice of God

We all want to hear God well, and nearly all of us want to hear God better.

There are horse whisperers, people who pay exquisite attention to horses and learn; there are dog whisperers, people who pay wonderfully attentive attention to dogs.

What you may not know is that there are people who help you hear God better. Not prophets who hear God for us, sometimes. (Although since Jesus came, we are to hear God for ourselves, and what a prophet says should resonate because of Holy Spirit confirming to us what a prophet says.)

These are people who are what I sometimes call, “God Listener’s”, and their job is to help you hear God better for yourself. That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?

There is a long tradition of such ministry, going back to at least the “Desert Fathers”, usually solitary monks who lived in the desert. From them a succession of ministers have helped people hear God for themselves.

Today we often call these people, “Spiritual Directors” or “Spiritual Friends”. You can look up these terms, they are well known. There is a long tradition of such people who help others to hear God better. This is a precious ministry.

They don’t listen for you; they help you hear God better for yourself. A ministry worth having, if not having always, at least sometimes.

We have all had periods of time that are rough. I remember one particular time when that was happening to me. My computers were not working right. My dogs were misbehaving. Around the house things were not working well or would break. I prayed about it, for these things and against these things. I finally decided I must be having a problem with demons. So I told them to leave. Usually not a problem for me – but the problems persisted.

So I called on a God Listener who I knew was very good with unclean spirits and asked for help. She managed to convey to me rather quickly that the problems were not demonic in origin. The problems were being caused by my own attitude. She told me that my wrong attitude and my own energy was causing the problems with my computers, dogs, and household appliances.

This was not what I wanted to hear. I wanted her to fix the problem for me. (Sound familiar?) But, I knew she was right. Holy Spirit confirmed what she was saying.

So I changed my attitude and my energy. The problems quickly went away and disappeared. I was blessed to have the help of a good God Listener, because I needed help to hear God well. And to solve problems that I mistakenly thought were being caused by demonic spirits when it was my own attitude and energy that was causing difficulties.

When you have big problems, opportunities you are not sure what to do with, when you need good guidance – a God Listener can be a huge help – so you can more reliably and accurately hear God for yourself – especially when doing so matters even more than usual.

You can easily learn more about God Listeners, Spiritual Friends or Spiritual Directors. There is more information than you might at first suspect.

One place you can explore and learn about Spiritual Directors is on Facebook, the Group, “Holy Listening-Spiritual Director“. Also on a related website called, “Holy Listening“.

Faith Key Article Prayer

Father whispered to me….

Al Mack wrote, on Facebook:

Point One: God has proven himself to be a skilled planner. If you look at the remarkable number (hundreds!) of advance plans (sometimes called prophecies) that he prepared in advance of his Messiah’s appearance on earth, details as far back as Genesis 3, you realize that God has some mad skills at planning ahead.

Point Two: God is good. That’s not negotiable. God is always (always!) in favor of his kids, always working for our good.

Point Three: In Exodus, God is pretty badass. His plagues confront the Egyptian “gods” and show them to be powerless. Then he leads a couple of million people out of slavery right on the schedule he had announced several centuries earlier.

And here’s where my ears seriously perk up.

God, the omniscient, omnipotent super-planner leads his people into the desert, famous for having neither food nor water. And what a surprise, the people have no water, no food.

So they complained. Like people do.

They wanted food (Exodus 16). So he fed them meat (quail: good eating!) in the evening, and bread (manna) the next morning (v12).

Then they complained about not having water (Exodus 17), and in the midst of their whining, they asked for water (v2). And God gave them water. He used a pretty epic miracle (v6) to do it, too.

And in these ways he provided for his children for forty years in the desert. (Hint: read Exodus again. What epic stories!)

We’ve all heard sermons about their complaining, and how that irritated God and really frustrated their leader, Moses. Reasonable lessons to draw from these stories.

I was talking to God the other day as we were going through Exodus. “You’re so good at planning. Why did you lead them into the desert without food or water?”

And suddenly, my mind was taken back to The Magician’s Nephew, CS Lewis’s book about the beginning of Narnia. Polly and Digory were on a mission for Aslan, the Christ figure, and they were hungry:

“Well, I do think someone might have arranged about our meals,” said Digory.“

I’m sure Aslan would have, if you’d asked him,” said Fledge.

“Wouldn’t he know without being asked?” said Polly.

“I’ve no doubt he would,” said the Horse. “But I’ve a sort of idea he likes to be asked.”

And Father whispered to me, “I wanted them to ask me, so I could answer them.”

I realized that God was training them how to come to him to meet their needs: his goal is relationship, a relationship of trust.

Someone smart once said, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” God works on our behalf to teach us that faith, how to relate to him in faith.

He’s good that way.

Discipleship, Getting Help Empath Holy Spirit HSP Lessons Prayer

Update Your Soul Ties

God Has A Plan For You - Lesson 1

You may not have thought about this yet, but it can be a wonderful and freeing and healthy thing to do: update your soul ties.

Soul ties are your ongoing relationships with people at the level of your soul – your thoughts, feelings, emotions and such. Also included are relationships with places, institutions, groups of people – anything or anybody your soul has ties to or a relationship with. Even your health or age.

God made humans out of the dust of the earth – the body, and the breath – spirit – which when body and spirit combined, humans became living souls.

Your soul is like the dreaming part of you. In fact, it is the soul that dreams.

There are objects and people who are stable, yet plastic and changeable. A chair can become something else in a dream, to name just one example. Not as likely in the physical world, where chairs are more stable.

So here is the key idea: every time a relationship changes, it’s possible, even likely, that the soul tie needs to be updated.

Any relationship that goes through a change needs to be updated. Parents need to let their children grow up and adjust to that, rather than continue to relate to them as children. Your child, yes; but not relating to your child as a child. Children need to relate to their parents differently as you mature and as they continue to mature and age. Suffering will surely result when this is not done. Even graduation from school. Marriage. Any change in relationship. Any.

Someone dies. Relationship changes. Soul ties need adjusting. Whether a family member, friend, or pet.

Soul ties need frequent updating because relationships go through transformations. Any time a status changes, a soul tie update is a good idea.

Here’s another hint: any time there is ongoing pain through a relationship, an updating of soul ties is likely called for. Ongoing relationship pain is a clear signal: an update in soul ties is called for. Literally.

How to do such a thing? Fortunately, it turns out to be easy to do.

People who do a lot of deliverance probably prefer to ask for the blood of Jesus to help make the change. There is a place for that.

Personally, I prefer to utilize the Helper that Jesus sent us to guide and comfort us: Holy Spirit.

Ask Holy Spirit to help you update and adjust your soul ties. Any time – every time – there is a transition or change in relationship. Or when there is ongoing pain or suffering.

And when there are normal things to do that mark a transition in your culture, do them carefully, thoughtfully, and lovingly. These help too.

Easy. Simple. Just ask. Holy Spirit will do this for you with wisdom and love, and do it perfectly, too. If you wish to pray in the Spirit, this is likely a great help, too. You really cannot go wrong praying in the Spirit.

And, if you highly empathic or sensitive (HSP), you can find much relief with this simple and easy approach that you are already equipped for. Ask Holy Spirit to adjust your energy, feelings, relationships, and body. Ask as often as you feel like it may be helpful. It can’t hurt, and this can help you a lot.

Yes, it’s that simple. Thank God!

Getting Help Key Article Learning Prayer Spiritual Warfare Worship

It is Your Response that Matters

Your response protects you from Satan’s attacks. (jon-tyson-mr9qc7VLnek-unsplash)

You can be a First Responder!

Our Lord cares about how you respond. While what happens to you is not always within your power to control, your response is always within your power. Why does Father care so much about your response?

It’s an opportunity for faith, which pleases God.

I hope I can learn this well and deeply, it will change my life and I believe it can change yours. And this lesson is being brought to me these days in multiple ways, and I would be foolish not to learn.

Worship is our key response. Which opens doors to so much else.

I got sick: this is a call to worship my Healer.

I had financial pressures: this is a call to worship my Provider.

I have a family member who is under tremendous pressures: this is a call to worship my Creator.

(My special thanks to Amanda Rankin who teaches such things as this and who provides timely, needed and loving reminders. May everyone be blessed to have a good friend like she is.)

See the pattern? Problems are literally a call to worship the One who provides help and everything that we need.

You could simply ask for help. Worship as a first response is better; not only is such worship an implied request, it has side effects on you: greater faith. Puts our Lord highest, instead of making idols in your heart out of what you desire.

Putting righteousness and the Kingdom first, all of these other things are added to you.

And…asking for help after you have worshipped connects you better to the One who Helps. Puts the King first instead of your need. Allows and assists you to receive help better from your Helper.

Worship God — what a wonderful first response!


A Blessing can be Prophetic Prayer

men touching each other's foreheads
Jack Sharp, on

I have some friends, Tamara and Todd Engwall, who pastor an electronic church that I get to attend, and who I have long thought are especially superb at giving blessings. So much so, I wanted to learn from them how to do what they so often do so well.

Today I got new clues that give me what I expect may be an impressive start in that direction.

What I noticed today was that yes, they give a blessing, do it wonderfully well, and differently than I do. This I already knew.

So I knew that a blessing was being given.

What I had not noticed, yet, was that there were more elements to what they were doing to be noticed; it was not just a simple blessing.

Here’s what I noticed that was new for me, that thanks to a question Todd, a highly prophetic person, asked; and I was able to express with words. (This was like some prophecy, I had no idea what would be said until it was said.)

  • They give a blessing, a good one,
  • Which is prophetic, and
  • It is also a prayer. A prayer that is for someone.

Said differently, they pray; they pray for someone. They prophetically say what God says. Their prayer is full of Holy Spirit and the dynamic power of Holy Spirit.

And…their prayer is given in the form of a blessing.

When you want to do this, it’s probably a good idea to ask God how to pray for an inspiring and helpful prophetic blessing.

Notice what you experience next, it’s usually quick! Assume that’s God’s answer unless it’s out of character for God. Then minister like Jesus: do as you are told, do as you are shown.

Pray as you or shown, told, or as you feel; or as an idea that suddenly appears to be in your own head – as if it were your thought.

And keep on praying until God’s answer about how to pray is enforced!

Holy Spirit Jesus Prayer

Is This Prayer?

Where Two or Three are Gathered in my Name

Decide for yourself. Is this a kind of prayer? Really?

Because if so, we may need to be much more alert.

One day I shared a dream with a friend, telling him of something I deeply wanted. I had told nobody before. I had not thought to pray about this.

Two days later I was given an offer that included what I told my friend I was asking for. I not only accepted, but this put me on a path of growth that lasted for years.

Later, I wondered about what had happened. My friend has Holy Spirit in him. I thought – realized – I was not only talking to my friend; I was talking also to Holy Spirit. I was talking to God.

And it was a holy conversation. Jesus promised to be with us at such times, to be among us. So I was talking to Jesus, who was among us.

I believe I was not only talking with a friend. I was praying.

Since I learned about this pattern, I have seen it repeatedly not only in my life but in the lives of others I know.

Is this really a kind of prayer? What does Holy Spirit say to you about this? What should you be doing about this?

Holy Spirit Joy Love Ministry Prayer

Holy Spirit Contagion?

You can have an amazing influence for the Kingdom of God, just by being more full of Holy Spirit. I encourage you to ask to be being more full of Holy Spirit, now. Ask often!

One day, I was shown some possibilities when I was in a conversation with a gracious lady who had family problems that she was telling me about.

Suddenly, these questions came to mind, opening to me many possibilities. You might want to wonder, too. What might you see as possible in your life?

So…here are the questions that just…came to mind….

What do you think would happen if you were so full of Holy Spirit you were contagious with Holy Spirit?

What do you think would happen if you were so full of Holy Spirit your daughter caught it?

What about when your husband catches it?

Could you and your daughter be healed?

Could your husband be reformed and made new in Jesus Christ?

What would happen to your joy? Health? Well being? Confidence, faith, love…?

Discipleship Getting Help Jesus's Communication Joy Kingdom of God Prayer

Weary? A Slightly Surprising Answer

Rest in Christ

28 “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30;

When you are weary, rest and relief is available. It may be a little different than expected, though; Jesus is often surprising.

I’ll get right to it, no fooling around and being careful and slow. Here it is: he will give us rest. Especially as we add to ourselves some of his qualities. Such as being gentle and humble of heart.

When we are learning from Jesus and allowing him to take our (heavy) yoke, not only is he stronger than we, he is also being gentle and humble of heart.

Which means we are not being proud, when we ask him like this. Not being proud, when we are being gentle and humble of heart.

I don’t know about you, but when I am weary and find rest, by hindsight is is easy for me to be clear: while I was weary I had been being proud. Carrying a heavy burden and being proud about it.

Conversation with God Hearing God Holy Spirit Journal Ministry Prayer

Trouble Praying?

Photo by Sam Rios, through Unsplash

Does your mind wander? Do you have trouble keeping your attention on your prayer session? Do you get bored or not know what to say and do?

Is what you do or learned to do feel like an obligation that you are not keeping as well as you like?

When you have an honest and sincere two way conversation with God, prayer is empowering and exciting. Jesus surprises and delights; does not condemn. Accepts you and loves you as you are. Jesus equips you with whatever he calls you to do. It is never boring. Your mind will not wander. There is no sense of obligation. It’s natural. It’s supernatural. It’s as easy as a two way conversational prayer with our loving Lord.

How? First, by giving up any obligation or ideas about how you should pray. A good way to do this is to simply ask for – and receive by faith – more of Holy Spirit. Or simply deeply intend, right now, to put righteousness and the Kingdom of God first. Second, by conversing with God, having a two way conversation with our Lord.

Whether wondering how to minister, how to engage in spiritual warfare, or to experience more of the Presence of God, how to lead, even how to follow leadership, how to intercede for others…whatever you seek to pray for, there is a solution that is powerful, effective, simple and easy. If it’s new to you, the initial learning curve is not that long.

Here are valuable resources for knowing about how to hear God better, and how to have an effective two-way conversation with our Lord. Crucial key – alternating rhythms of talking, then listening. Write both down – short term memory, no matter how vivid and strong, can evaporate rapidly.

These approaches are so good that you will do well to learn them.

When you have an honest and sincere two way conversation with God, prayer is empowering and exciting. Jesus surprises and delights; does not condemn. Accepts you and loves you as you are. Jesus equips you with whatever he calls you to do. It is never boring. Your mind will not wander. There is no sense of obligation. It’s natural. It’s supernatural. It’s as easy as a two way conversational prayer with our loving Lord.


Stop, Look, Listen, & Write

P.S. From Mark Virkler, above, he gives us these Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice:

Very simply stated, the four keys to hearing God’s voice are:

Stillness: Quiet yourself so you can hear God’s voice.

Vision: Look for vision as you pray.

Spontaneity: Recognize God’s voice as spontaneous thoughts that light upon your mind.

Journaling: Write down the flow of thoughts and pictures that light upon your mind.

Virkler, Mark. 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice (Kindle Locations 172-175). Destiny Image. Kindle Edition.


P.P.S. From the Immanuel Approach above, we have these notes:

Immanuel Approach Pointers – from video notes, he repeats these in each video at the beginning.

-1.  Immanuel truth: God is always with us, god is always glad to be with us, and God always wants to connect with us.

-2. Relational circuits: We have circuits in our brains that serve as the neurological hardware for running relationships.  And we can connect with each other and with God much more easily when these relational circuits are online and strongly active. 

-3.  Positive memories and appreciation: We can predictably, reliably, and consistently get these relational circuits online and strongly active by recalling and connecting with positive memories and then deliberately generating, or stirring up, strong appreciation. 

-4.  Interactive connection with God: We can establish a living, interactive connection with God by inviting God’s presence into the positive memory, asking God to help us perceive His presence, and then noticing whatever comes into our awareness.

-5.  The special value of God-connection positive memories: 

-Our relationships are memory-mapped – our relationships are carried in our memories.

-Reconnecting with memory recreates, at least to some extent, the same mind-brain conditions that were present at the original experience.

-Using positive memories that include an experience of God’s presence takes advantage of these two pieced of brain science. 

-6 Our brains are designed to work best in community: 

-Describing out internal mental content, out loud to another person, helps us to feel it’s importance and to recognize it’s meaning. 

-Including this piece in our Immanuel prayer will enable us to perceive subtle manifestations of the Lord’s presence that we might otherwise miss, and enable us to recognize and receive subtle interactive content from the Lord that we might otherwise miss. 

-7.  Immanuel Approach safety nets: At the beginning of the session we set up a positive-memory, appreciation, connection-with-God “home base” and then we can coach the recipient to go back to this home base if we get into trouble at any point later in the session, or if we run out of time at the end of the session and the recipient is still connected to unresolved traumatic content. 

-8. Splinter-free memories: It is really important to use splinter free positive memories for the safety net.

From Videos in the Resource Page at:

Conversation with God Hearing God Holy Spirit Prayer

The Answer isn’t Always What You Think

When you are praying and seeking an answer, you are likely to get a good reply. God is like that.

Here’s what can be confusing. You get a reply. You think it is your answer. And in a way it is –

  • It may be a direct answer. All you need.
  • It may be an indirect answer. Something that leads you to what you are seeking. It’s your next step in your search.

Here’s an example:

I recently was looking for some information about my wife, her Social Security Number. There was a need for this. I had not memorized it. Could not find it.

Then Holy Spirit showed where I should look. I opened up that storage area and looked and did not find the folders I was looking for. Instead, I found something else that had the information I was looking for.

If I had not followed the lead I was given, I’d still be without what I was seeking. I followed the lead, thinking it was an answer. It was a lead to my answer.

I praise God for such wisdom in how to lead me to answered prayer. Through what I thought was the answer and yet was a lead or hint or clue that led to the answer and information I needed.

Thank you, Lord, for how you lead us!