Anointing Faith Miracles

Faith Can Connect the Anointing to Needs and Miracles Happen

Faith can Connect Anointing to our Needs

Faith is often how the Anointing comes to touch our needs for restoration and healing.

Like when the hemorrhaging woman touched the hem of the clothes Jesus wore. She was totally determined, single-minded. Jesus said it was her faith that healed her.

When faith contacts the Anointing, miracles occur.

Faith can create a point of contact – a connection – between a need for healing or other restoration – and the Anointing. Prayer cloths, personal touch, contact with the hem of the garments of Jesus, great faith in a word or command with authority for healing – just a few kinds of examples.

Faith can provide a point of contact between a need and the Anointing, and a miracle can occur.

Simple. Do it today for yourself. Do it for another person, group of people or situation. Give thanks for God’s miracle.

Disciple Making Evangelize Gospel Healing Hearing God Holy Spirit Jesus Key Article Kingdom of God Ministry Miracles Success

Disciple-Making on Steroids

Miracle of Jesus Healing a Blind Man

Discipling someone, or several people, can can succeed a lot faster than most of us are used to. I call this “Disciple-Making on Steroids” because this approach is so powerful and fast.

Here’s an example to learn from, that, with variations – depending on your situation, can be done more easily and more quickly than perhaps we have ever seen.

On the street or in a supermarket or other store, or maybe a shopping mall, you see someone who obviously needs healing. Their injury or disability or pain is obvious to you.

So you walk up to them and say, “Hello. My name is ____; it looks to me like you have some” pain, difficulty, injury, disability – whatever it is. Make it easy for them to talk to you about it. Make sure you discover what it is that they cannot do or cannot easily do, because of that particular need of healing.

Ask them if it’s okay for you to pray for them. Most people will be glad for such prayer, if by then you are in rapport. If they are not willing, thank them and let them be.

You can pray for them at a distance if you like.

Keep doing this until you discover someone who is willing to be prayed for.

Pray for them, praying to Jesus, maybe something like, “Dear Jesus, help this person with ____” whatever is needed. They expected you to pray for them, and it’s easy for them to say yes to such a request. Then be sure to quietly but with authority – like when you are talking to a child or a pet and you really mean it – tell that need for healing to be healed. Be sensitive to Holy Spirit and do as seems best.

Ask them to test, to do what they could not easily do or could not do. When they succeed, give thanks to Jesus!

When that does not go well, you can be like Jesus healing the blind man who could see a bit more at first, but needed more healing and said something like, “I see men walking, but they are like trees walking”. So, like Jesus, you pray (and command with authority), healing again.

If you want to do it like Jesus did, and was so successful at healing so often (always), you can do it like this:

Keep testing the healing until it is done. Persist.

Now comes the cool part, disciple making on steroids:

Now that they have been healed, ask them something like, “Would you like to give your life to Jesus and have him as your Lord?” When they say yes, lead them in such a prayer. When they say no, just continue as if they had. Because of what happens next, they probably will.

Take the person who has now been healed and who now has Jesus (or not) in them, and go with them. Find someone else who has an obvious need of healing. Instruct them to pray for and command healing, just as they experienced. Have them heal the person in need. Pray for them and their ministry, and their good success while that do that. Help them out loud as called for and needed.

Now you have someone with you who has been healed, who has come to Jesus (or not, yet). If not yet come to Jesus, ask them if they want to make it official now, and help them accept Jesus as Lord. If not, get their contact information, pray for them, and follow up and give them encouragement and help as you are led with Holy Spirit. Just do the best you can and ask for help through Holy Spirit.

I like to ask for more of Holy Spirit before I pray for someone or minister. My prayer and ministry is more effective when I do this, and I hear God better, too.


I believe that this is how Jesus wants us to minister in these times. In these days. The time is short: make disciples, with Holy Spirit, on steroids!

Getting Help Key Article Kingdom of God Miracles Prayer

Ask for Kingdom Rule

Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is where everything works the way it did in Paradise, Eden. God rules, with love and gives hope, always.

So when you have a problem or difficulty, Ask for the Kingdom of God to rule in that part of your life. (Or even better – all of your life!)

Expect good miracles.

Expect God’s rule to replace that of Satan’s.

So simple. Easy. Effective!

Faith Hearing God Jesus Key Article Ministry Miracles

Faith is Easy, When —

Faith is easy when we hear and rely on a word from God. Faith comes to us by hearing, and what we hear that gives faith is a Word from God.

We hear the Word. We hear Jesus, the creator of heaven and earth.

So…you understand, in a general way, that God does certain things and wants certain things to happen, like the destruction of the works of the devil. Such as Restoration, Salvo – including healing and freedom from unclean spirits (such things are what Jesus came for).

But without a personal Word from God that you hear personally, it is hard to have faith; likely impossible – otherwise we are trying to have faith in our thoughts or even worse, faith in our faith. Which I can tell you by too much disappointing experience – is not only extremely hard, it does not work.

But faith in what you hear from Jesus, the Word of God that created since the beginning before time and light, such faith works. And as long as you are experientially in touch, in contact, with that Word, faith is relatively easy and God’s inspiration always makes it easier.

So…how do you get such faith when you do not yet have it? Hear from God.

How to hear from God in such a personal way when you have not yet personally heard from God? It’s simple. Even easy. ASK.

Ask Jesus. (you are first having faith in Jesus.)

Pause, listen, receive and hear; and let faith blossom. (You are receiving a Word from Jesus. Have faith in that Word. Act – receive and take action to receive and have or experience what you have asked for. Taking action is not only part of the process Jesus repeatedly promised, it’s an outcome of and a result of your faith.)

So when you know something is wanted or promised in scripture, by God, and you have not heard in a personal way that gives you personal revelation and insight, ASK.

Ask, receive, knock – take appropriate next step action.

If you want a baby, maybe get a crib. At least buy diapers. Start getting ready to have what you have asked for and what Jesus gives you a personal, inspiring, revelatory message for: have faith.

If you want to heal someone, ask Jesus – how do I pray. Notice what you experience next, and pray – doing that. Until healing is completely and thoroughly enforced, the prayer results have shown up. (Ask – Jesus. Receive – guidance about how to pray. Act [action is like knocking on a door] to open up what you are having faith for – open that door for Jesus. Jesus makes it easy.)

Faith is easy. Ask Jesus. Listen – receive. Knock – act on your faith.

Faith is easy when done right. The Word makes such faith possible. Grab onto it!

And do not proceed on your own ideas about how to do something without faith or guidance from God. Sarah tried that, and the results have been not only the birth of a difficult child, but the birth of a people-group that have been in conflict with Israel ever since.

Faith is easy. Ask, Receive, and Act (like knocking on a door) – to be ready to have what you have asked for.

Calling Conversation with God Create Holy Spirit Key Article Lessons Miracles Prayer Presence of God The Word

Call and Response

Call and response has a long tradition as a pattern of preaching or speaking in historically black churches. The preacher calls, pauses, and the congregation responds.

It’s more of a two-way conversation than is being preached at, which none of us like very much.

There is similar a pattern in creating, healing, calming a storm, moving your mountain, or commanding a fig tree. Or even having a two-way conversation with God.

This is hard to put into words, and most of us are not used to doing this, noticing or paying attention to the elements of this – so please bear with me and seek and ask to understand – this has been a missing element for too many of us for too long. Including me. It’s taken me years to notice and appreciate this pattern, how widespread this pattern is, and how wonderfully useful it is.

There are elements to this pattern. The hovering of Holy Spirit over what is yet undone or uncreated. The speaking of the Word. Pausing, maybe like a Selah, pausing in the Presence of God. Having called forth a response, we pause for and give room and time for a response, and we pay attention with our spirit in Holy Spirit, and listen or receive.

A conversation with God is a two-way communication. You take turns expressing something or asking something, pausing and then receiving or giving a deep response. And you take turns.

Talking to your mountain, storm, fig tree, healing or other situation is the same. You say something, first in your spirit, and in connection with Holy Spirit, in this case a command. And you pause, listen, calling forth, and inviting and allowing for a response from the deep.

It is not just you talking. Not in a conversation with God, which would be rude and ineffective if you never listened. The same with talking to nature, commanding or calling – there is a response.

Call and response. That is the pattern. Call with your spirit first, in contact with and in harmony with Holy Spirit. Speak, Pause, and actively receive your response.

Too often we broadcast in our communication, but never Selah, pause in the Presence of God. We do not pause and wait for the response in our spirit, which happens before we notice a response in the world.

Response. From God. From our mountain, storm, fig tree, or healing a Centurion’s son at a distance.

And sometimes not directly, do we call or command. But sometimes we do it implicitly. “Stretch forth thy hand”, (commanding what a disabled person could not previously do). Not always commanding healing directly.

Call and response. For many of us, and for me, this has too often been a missing element, and thus a missing key.

Call and elicit, ask for and wait for the response you sense in your spirit, done with Holy Spirit, and there you sense a response before a physical response happens.

All this happens first in your spirit, in harmony with Holy Spirit. Then in the world – response happens.

Miracles happen when faith comes into contact with the Anointing or the anointed. Similarly, call and response for healing or correcting something in nature happens when the Holy Spirit hovers, the Word is spoken, and then there is a pause as we allow space and time for a response.

Whether in creating, healing, commanding nature. It is all the same pattern.

Done with Holy Spirit.

We experience the Anointing as Holy Spirit for a purpose.

Creation of the universe was through the spoken Word of God. With, and after the Spirit was hovering over the deep.

You may notice that you can know in your spirit, with Holy Spirit, when you’ve made contact. You may know you’ve made contact, and a response is in process. Other times, you may not have made contact in your spirit with Holy Spirit with whoever or whatever you are calling to. At least this has been my experience with this. And you may not know why. This is a good time to ask Jesus how to speak or pray. And notice what comes to your spirit and mind next, arriving and in harmony with the Spirit of Holiness.

Call and respond. For many of us, it’s more than a conversation between a preacher and congregation. It’s been a missing element too often in creating, correcting, or healing.

Call. And notice whether you are in contact, and pause for and allow the response. Starting with your spirit, with the Spirit of Holiness, speak a word in harmony with or in Christ Jesus, the Word; pause and allow for a response.

You may find you know what to do next. Including giving thanks and rejoicing!

Calling Create Discipleship Leadership Ministry Miracles The Word

God Speaks and Creates. You Speak & Move Your Mountain.

God Speaks and Creates; You Move Your Mountain – Becker Griffen, Unsplash

God said. And creation happened. God said – and what he said happened. You speak, declare, create, or call – in Jesus….

You can Declare. Let there be peace. Let there be love. Let Jesus be known.

You can create, in Jesus, who is the Word. Create peace in your family.

You can call. See Calling, Part 1 of 3. You can call a situation into being, into existence.

You can transfer power and authority. See Overview.

Jesus spoke to a fig tree, it obeyed. Jesus spoke to the wind and waves, and the storm quieted. Jesus taught us to heal, and demonstrated speaking to the need – we should do the same.

I have heard of people speaking to tornados, which changed course.

I have called for electricity to be restored, and when I am totally determined and single minded – easier to say than to do, I have experienced several times the electricity coming on within a second and a half. So many times this has happened, it cannot be a coincidence.

When you speak to your dog, your dog knows if you really mean it. When you really mean it, your dog is much more likely to obey. This is authority. You can feel it when you speak with such authority.

So speak to situations, to your mountain. As Jesus has been teaching you to do. And delight in results! Give thanks and rejoice!

Jesus, the Word, teaches and empowers you. Use what you have been given. Learn. Explore. Be willing for failure to take place – you can learn a lot this way!

Holy Spirit Joy Key Article Love Ministry Miracles Pain Spiritual Warfare

Overwhelmed? Double-Minded?

Overwhelmed Images and Stock Photos. 9,291 overwhelmed ...
Overwhelmed? Double-Minded?

Help is closer than you probably expect, is easy, and quite rapid. When you do these two easy things:

Ask for more of Holy Spirit. You will receive. Guaranteed. (See Luke 11:11-13.)

Then follow Holy Spirit; intend to follow Holy Spirit. Ask Holy Spirit to help you follow Holy Spirit even more.

Yes, it’s this easy, just:

-1. Ask for more of Holy Spirit, and

-2. Deeply intend to follow Holy Spirit or even ask Holy Spirit to help you follow. (See Gal. 5).

That simple. Easy. Check – now you are more single-minded. You are not so overwhelmed and maybe not overwhelmed at all.

I do this to get help when I am too sad at the loss of my wife. I ask for more of Holy Spirit. Then, automatically, with zero drama, grief is small and Holy Spirit is huge. What a wonderful and easy transformation!

I am operating out of my New Self, not my old self. The same for you. New Self with Fruit of the Spirit, including –  

Galations 5:22 – …the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.
Learning Miracles Prayer Targets Purpose

Calling, Part 3 of 3

Part 1 is at:

Jesus Invites – by Sitara

Part 1 is at:

You have a calling.  God has called you to be and to do.  You’re calling does not go away, God does not change his mind about such things.  This makes it easier to notice you’re calling, because there is a pattern in your life that can be seen.  Making your calling easier to notice, perceive, and discover things about.

What do I mean, discovering things about your calling?  You are called to serve and to minister to certain people, certain kinds of people.  And those people are generally called to receive well from and through you.  What this means is that you do better when you serve and minister to such people: they are more receptive and eager, you are more gifted and skilled.  Much less frustrating than ministering to those to whom you are not called.

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to make you “dumber” than you are?  I’ll bet you have; we all have.  This is something that happens to all of us.   

Other people bring out the best in you, help you to be better and smarter and more effective than is usual for you.  These are people you are gifted for, and people who are gifted to receive from.  People you are called to, and people who are called to receive from you.

It’s important that you discover who such people are, what kinds of people these are in your life.  So you can recognize them and search them out.  So you can serve and minister to them on purpose.  So you can discover and learn how you are called to serve and minister to them.

Because God called you to this.

Because you’ll be more successful when you respond well to your calling.

Because these people-groups and individuals will receive through you what God has called you to do for them.  Such people hunger and need what you can offer to them.

It is a joy to serve such people.  To succeed more effectively and more often.  To be received eagerly and well by these people.

It is a  *joy*  to serve and to do what God has called you to be and to do.


So pray, remember things that have happened.  Ruminate. Meditate.  And discover more about how and to whom you have been called and created for in unique and wonderful ways.  To serve.

It is a joy to be your best self.  It is fun.  It is wondrous and you will learn much as you serve.  

Discover and learn about your calling, who you are called to serve, and how you are to serve them.  Even where you are called to serve them. 

Ask God to help you understand and respond well to your calling, he knows and knows well – he’s the one who called you!  

Since God has called you, respond, and respond well.  Be and do who and what you were  *literally*  created and made for.

And rejoice!  Rejoice in our Lord.  And follow – follow how you are called – and be filled with joy and wonder, rather than with frustration and pointlessness.  This is a much better way to live, and too few do this.  Too many suffer needlessly, not doing these things.

This  *is*  an amazing and wonderful way to be living!  Do this – discover, learn and explore.   You may have to experiment to discover such things – do so.  It’s okay!  And expect and be alert for clues and hints from Holy Spirit as you do so. 

Who are you called to be?  What are you called to do?  With and for whom?  

Be filled with so much joy you have to rejoice out loud.  Rejoice!

Part 1 is at:

Learning Miracles Prayer Targets Purpose

Calling, Part 2 of 3

Part 1 is at:

Face of Jesus

Part 1 is at:

You can call on God.  You can call on the Lord.  You can call on “I am”.   Wow!  And what can you expect to happen?

You can call on the Lord and be saved.  It’s a promise.  God does not change and keeps his promises.  So you can call and you will be saved.

Saved as in the Greek word “salvo” which can mean saved, made whole, and healed.  What a wonderful word!

You can call on “I am” to save you – from whatever you need saving.  

You can call on the Lord to be made whole, and to experience your wholeness.

You can call on “I am” to help you and you will be helped.

You should experiment with this, explore and personally discover what you can discover. Learn and be surprised and filled with wonder and awe.  

You have been privileged  to call on God, to call on the name of the Lord, to call on “I am”.  To call on Jesus.  And you will be saved.  That’s a promise.

I wonder about how many ways you can call on our Lord; how many ways you can use his names. How many he can save.  How we may be made whole and even healed.  I hope you do, too.

I hope you will join with me and explore and experiment with this.  What can you and I learn about this?

Let’s share with each other what we do discover.  It’ll be fun, exhilarating, and full of good surprises…I am sure of this.

Call on our Lord and be saved.  Be “salvo-ed”.  And discover what this means and what practical results you can experience in the real world.

I believe that when you call on a thing or a person for a response; it goes best when you do this in calling on the name of the Lord, first.  Like putting the Kingdom first.

See next, Part 3:

Learning Miracles Prayer Targets Purpose

Calling, Part 1 of 3


I once had a cat that came when SILENTLY called.

I used to call the cat, even when the cat was far away. Even when I could not see the cat. This was not a dog that loves to come when called…this was a cat.

Gradually I noticed something peculiar, odd, strange…and wonderful. I usually knew when the cat was coming. Shadow was his name. He was nearly all black. I would see him running through the field, coming. I knew when I had connected with him, and I knew when he was coming. Even when I could not see him. Sometimes I felt no connection, and Shadow did not come at such times.

Then I experimented, and I am not sure why I did – but as I experimented, something even more strange and wonderful happened.

I did not call the cat out loud, I just called for Shadow to come, mentally. And to my amazement and delight, I still knew when we connected and when we did not. Most of the time we connected, and he would come running. Other times, nothing happened.

I remember wondering what was happening when we did not connect. Was he busy? Preoccupied? Purposely choosing to ignore my call? I still do not know, I have no idea. And sometimes I still wonder.

I learned that I could call Shadow with an intention to call, and I would know when we connected and when we did not. And when we connected, which was most of the time, he would come running.

So I experimented some more. I called things that were not as though they were. When the electrical power went out, I would call for it to come back on. I called for circumstances to change. And here is the odd and surprising and wonderful response – I called, and they would come. But only when I *really* meant it, wanted deeply, and when I was single minded in my intentions.

An intention to call something that was not as though it was would work, and mighty quick. Power would come on in a second and a half or so. But not until my wanting was thorough, deep and profound. Not until I was deeply sincere about it. And single minded.

I need to explore this and experiment and see what happens when calling by intention. I need to learn more about this.

I invite you to explore and experiment, too. Call whatever you want. Deeply want. When you are sincere and ready and determined to have what you are calling come to you.

I wonder how you will do this? How you will explore? What you will learn on the way? I hope you will share your discoveries with me. I deeply want to learn more about this. Do you?

See next, Part 2: