Too often we are tempted and try to make up faith, we try to “have” faith. Without realizing it, that’s sort of like having faith in faith. Which is close, but still misses the mark. When I do this, I experience great frustration because I know at a deep level that this cannot work.
Faith comes from hearing the Word of God. When you pray or minister like Jesus, doing what you are shown or what you hear – good results come easily. Faith comes easily when we are doing what we hear or what we are shown by God.
When you are doing what God says to do, faith is easier.
Faith that is real and effective grows easily out of a revelation you personally receive from our Lord.
When we recognize the goodness and power of God, it’s easy to have faith in God.
When God says something, and you hear this, having faith is wonderfully easier.
Faith is important because of what faith does. What is it that faith does? Faith has the effect of connecting the Anointing with a need. A need for healing, restoration, or to defeat the works of the devil.
Laying hands on someone is not practical when that someone is out of reach, is far away. But faith connects. Even at a distance. Like when Jesus spoke a word for the healing of the centurion’s servant. The centurion’s faith connected the Anointing of Jesus the Anointed with his servant, who needed healing.
Faith connects. Fresh revelation from Jesus transcends time and space. And when faith comes easily from hearing Jesus in a personal and real way, faith connects the Anointing with the need.
This is one reason why faith is so important.
Another reason faith is so important is that it grows out of hearing directly from our Lord, Creator of our universe. Wow….
Dwell on this. Meditate on this. Let this sink in deeply, so that you hear it from Jesus, through Holy Spirit and hear this for yourself.
Then faith is easy.
Dwell…. Meditate…. Ask Jesus to give you a personal revelation.