How do you start a small business successfully, minister successfully when the unexpected happens, adapt to changes in the classroom or with a family member – and deal with other situations no one can figure out in advance?
(I know small businesses are told to use linear business plans like large businesses, and this works out well only in certain instances. That’s another story.)
You improvise. Or follow Holy Spirit. Or best of all, do both!
How do you give a prophecy? Often, by opening your mouth and starting. Follow Holy Spirit.
How do you follow Holy Spirit?
- One or two steps at a time. Discover, then walk more. Like moving in the dark with a candle.
- In a non-linear way. You cannot figure it out in advance.
- God loves to give us wonderful surprises!
- God seems to make it up for you as you go along.
How do you Improvise? Here’s a start:
- Agree. Don’t say, “No”. Don’t block what is going on.
- Do something new, add to the action.
- Don’t ask open ended questions.
- Focus on the hear and now.
- Establish where you are.
- Be specific and add details.
- Do something different – change!
- Make it up as you go along, following in flow with your partner.
Make it up as you go alone. Pay attention and add something specific and clear. Focus on the here and now, being where you are. Be specific. Add something different!
You cannot work for linear plans to do improvisation. They just won’t work. Respond to what is in front of you, one step at a time. You cannot figure it out in advance.
Notice the similarity?
When following Holy Spirit, learn about and then forget the “rules” of improvisation. See how it goes, what you can learn, how you can do even better next time.
Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep listening and paying attention. Act on what you are learning, seeing and hearing.
I believe this is what Jesus did:
6who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, [and] being made in the likeness of men
You will be successful when you follow Holy Spirit and are willing to improvise.