Conversation with God Disciple Making Discipleship Evangelize Faith Friendship Getting Help Gospel Jesus Joy Kingdom of God Ministry Prayer

There are Multiple Biblical Ways to Salvation

John Benitez – Unsplash

Those of us who use even a somewhat Evangelical approach to salvation have a few prayers that we encourage so that someone can experience salvation.

The Bible takes a different approach. So much so that the most frequent method to attain salvation in the bible is one I’ve never seen or heard of being used with a potential convert. By hindsight, this is a bit astounding.

Yet in real life, it makes perfect sense. And the usual prayers are used for several good reasons.

It really is wise and good that we get to know more consciously about Jesus, and Jesus as our Lord. And that this be expressed clearly in our prayer.

So what is this most frequently mentioned method of achieving salvation in scriptures that is so unused for making converts? It’s actually a method frequently used by the rest of us.

A very common prayer, used by many of us when we need help, when we need and want to be saved. Just seldom used to help someone become a convert to Christianity.

What is this frequently used approach for getting help when most needed, but seldom if ever used to help someone become a convert?

It’s simply this: call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.

Biblical theology is probably wider and more inclusive than our theologies. God is certainly more broad minded than we are.

And this illustrates very well how some things are taught about to us and for us in scripture from many angles, in many ways. And we tend to focus on one way, sometimes proof-texting, yet even so, we tend to focus on one very good way. But God and scriptures offers more options than we often think about and sometimes more options than we even normally trust or believe in.

Thank you, Lord, for being so broad minded, for thinking differently than we do, for being more loving and generous than we yet are able to grasp.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving us eternity to continue to get to know you and your love. We need you. And we need eternity to explore and learn about your love and your depth. Thank you, Lord!

Evangelize Jesus Joy Key Article Kingdom of God Ministry Presence of God

Experience Jesus

Jesus Invites – by Sitara

I realized something recently that surprised and delighted me. Some years ago I introduced maybe as many as 75 people to how to experience Jesus for themselves, experiencing Jesus in their heart. It was based on a key decision, which I explained they could undo if they did not like the experience or did not want to continue to experience Jesus. Not a single one chose to not continue to experience Jesus in their hearts. That’s astounding, there is little that we humans do that works so well. But then, this was the work of Holy Spirit….

Most of these people went on to be baptized in water, and then be baptized in Holy Spirit. We met in one of three houses, rotating where we met for about two years. Our weekly meetings lasted 6-8 hours; some people came early, others left early. We didn’t have 75 people at these meetings, but the house was always pretty full.

During that time, discipling happened, helped and led by Holy Spirit.

Regardless, we all learned how to experience Jesus. And everyone liked this so much they wanted to continue.

I was inspired to try this with people by Holy Spirit when reading scripture. It was long ago, and I’m not sure, but I suspect I had been reading 1 John, Chapter 4.

Here’s how it went, helping people to experience Jesus for themselves:

Try out these beliefs, and check your heart: you will be experiencing Jesus in your heart.

If you don’t like it, just decide against those beliefs.

Jesus is fully man, completely human.

Jesus is fully God, he is God.

When you believe both of these things: you can experience Jesus in your heart.


Discipleship Healing Holy Spirit Jesus Joy Kingdom of God Ministry Presence of God

New Person – New in Christ, Heals Easily

New Person – New in Christ, Heals Easily. aaron-burden-lW79kLuvl8E-unsplash

You are fully restored, in Jesus Christ, when you are born again.

Your New Person, New in Christ, Heals Easily.

So…you can heal easily. Just being restored to who you really are, in Jesus.

So…you can heal others and minister to their needs, easily, because of who you already are, in Jesus.

Your New Person, in Jesus Christ, has no wounds or injuries.

Your New Person, in Jesus Christ, follows Holy Spirit, is full of Holy Spirit, and ministers powerfully, effectively and easily.

Your New Person – is the preferred way to be living.

Your New Person – is the preferred way to minister.

This is simple. Easy, when you are doing it – hard when you are not living out of your New Person.

Why would you live any other way?

Create Discipleship Faith Getting Help Hearing God Holy Spirit Intercession Joy Prayer Purpose

Intention & Intuition

Intuition reveals what or how, intention helps you accomplish your target

Here’s an interesting and fun way to look at Intention & Intuition.

From the point of view of how we humans experience things, intention and intuition are the same thing, but going in different directions. Let me explain. And try to put this into words.

Especially when experienced as the Still Small Voice of God, we experience deep intuition as something that comes into us from outside. We receive it on the inside, but it doesn’t really come from us.

We experience intention as something inside us with which we want to use to change the world outside of us.

Intuition comes from outside of us into the deep center of us, often transforming us. Intention goes out through our deep center into the world outside of us, changing the world.

(I’m trying to put into words things that are far deeper than words. Not everyone will describe these experiences the same way.)

Intuition is heard or experienced through our Still Center, a place of stillness that feels like the very center of our being. This is where we experience the Small Still Voice of God. We experience intuition as coming from outside of us into the inside.

Intention is felt or experienced through our Still Center, as something that is already inside of us and with which we intend to affect the universe outside of us. We experience intention ad coming from the inside of us and going out into the world.

It’s an odd and unusual thought, but intuition and intention have far more in common than has been recognized. They might even be the same thing, just coming from and going to opposite directions.

In terms of how humans experience two-way conversation with God, intuition is vital for hearing from God. Praying in the Spirit may be related to intention. I have often prayed with intention, especially after hearing from God.

Hearing from God and praying to God seems very much related to intuition and intention, at least sometimes.

Calling Holy Spirit Jesus Joy Lessons

Contentment & Joy

Top 10 Contented Dogs Expressing Satisfaction

Is easy to find when we do the what is right; and is too easy to lose when we wander astray.

Want to experience more contentment and joy? Explore these ways to attain. Learn. Add your own ideas – or, best is to do as Holy Spirit guides you to do. Key is: doing what God says to do, such as:

  • Love Jesus with all your heart, strength and mind. Right now!
  • Receive the love of Jesus, which is beyond what you yet understand.
  • Let God’s love spill over to other people – through you.
  • Give thanks. Praise God. Worship our Lord.
  • Follow your calling, use your gifts.

I’m serious. Really do each one of these, one at a time. Experience deeply. Explore. Learn for yourself.

Rejoice! This is so important I’ll say it again: rejoice!

Holy Spirit Joy Key Article Love Ministry Miracles Pain Spiritual Warfare

Overwhelmed? Double-Minded?

Overwhelmed Images and Stock Photos. 9,291 overwhelmed ...
Overwhelmed? Double-Minded?

Help is closer than you probably expect, is easy, and quite rapid. When you do these two easy things:

Ask for more of Holy Spirit. You will receive. Guaranteed. (See Luke 11:11-13.)

Then follow Holy Spirit; intend to follow Holy Spirit. Ask Holy Spirit to help you follow Holy Spirit even more.

Yes, it’s this easy, just:

-1. Ask for more of Holy Spirit, and

-2. Deeply intend to follow Holy Spirit or even ask Holy Spirit to help you follow. (See Gal. 5).

That simple. Easy. Check – now you are more single-minded. You are not so overwhelmed and maybe not overwhelmed at all.

I do this to get help when I am too sad at the loss of my wife. I ask for more of Holy Spirit. Then, automatically, with zero drama, grief is small and Holy Spirit is huge. What a wonderful and easy transformation!

I am operating out of my New Self, not my old self. The same for you. New Self with Fruit of the Spirit, including –  

Galations 5:22 – …the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.
Conversation with God Discipleship Hearing God Joy

I am Learning to Hear God Better

I am learning to hear God better. Isn’t that a wonder – how such a thing can happen?

This can happen during all of our life, if we ask and if we pay attention. Ask. Pause. Listen. Look. Feel. Notice what appears in our minds, etc.

I also feel I am getting to know God better. You can, too! I expect that learning about God more deeply and better is something that goes on for eternity.

Our creator has made us with a capacity for learning. Which can lead to a lifetime and – an eternity of continuing progress through various lessons.

Just the idea of this fills me with wonder. How about you?

Hearing God Holy Spirit Joy Love

Joy comes in the morning

“Joy comes in the morning”, Ps. 30:5

This morning I woke with joy.

Reminded me of waking as a child, I would wake with joy and also with joyful anticipation of what wonderful things I would get to see and experience that day.

Joy is a gift from our Lord, which you and I get to receive.

Love is a gift from our Lord, which you and I get to receive.

Jesus gave us these gifts. From heaven. Gifts are already given from heaven. These gifts are yours! Already yours. Now are yours.

Open and receive that your joy may be full.

Share the joy and love which God has already given you. The more you share such gifts, the more you learn to live in them. And the better prepared you are to share your gifts with yet more people.

Be contagious with joy and love! It’s easy.

Just ask for more of Holy Spirit. Then follow Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit gives you gifts such as love and joy – already given. Already yours. It’s effortless.

No effort on your part. No working up or getting excited, no pumping yourself up. These gifts are already yours. Receive what Jesus has already given; it really is this easy.

And look for and feel the joy which is already given to you in the morning. Each day, this wonderful gift is yours through Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit Joy Love Ministry Prayer

Holy Spirit Contagion?

You can have an amazing influence for the Kingdom of God, just by being more full of Holy Spirit. I encourage you to ask to be being more full of Holy Spirit, now. Ask often!

One day, I was shown some possibilities when I was in a conversation with a gracious lady who had family problems that she was telling me about.

Suddenly, these questions came to mind, opening to me many possibilities. You might want to wonder, too. What might you see as possible in your life?

So…here are the questions that just…came to mind….

What do you think would happen if you were so full of Holy Spirit you were contagious with Holy Spirit?

What do you think would happen if you were so full of Holy Spirit your daughter caught it?

What about when your husband catches it?

Could you and your daughter be healed?

Could your husband be reformed and made new in Jesus Christ?

What would happen to your joy? Health? Well being? Confidence, faith, love…?

Joy Learning Lessons Love Presence of God

My Dogs Teach Me about God

Ryke Porras, at

My dogs are a sign of God’s love and constant attentiveness, given by our Lord. They are like footprints left behind for me to notice and appreciate.

Usually they teach me about – and show something of – how God loves. Unconditionally. Constantly. Generously. Without judgement.

Today my most non-verbal dog (a Doberman) came while I was reading and reflecting about the other end of this – a sign of how I am to be open and receptive to being loved with great tenderness, gentleness, constant attentiveness given and receiving all of this well.

And now I know my dogs are also a sign of and a demonstration of some of God’s love, and how to receive and soak in and appreciate God’s love.

How generous, kind and loving God is to leave me such signs of him, such examples and teachers. I am filled with wonder, amazement, deep appreciation and gratefulness.

I think I will stop writing now, and just soak in this and reflect and receive being this way…I have nothing else and nothing better to be doing. Thank you, Lord!