When God speaks to you, be alert with all of your senses. “Speak” is a metaphor for anything God “says”.
You might see something, sometimes quickly and when it’s surprising, its too easy to ignore. So pay close attention to what comes next after you ask a question or pause to listen and “hear”.
You might hear something. Still Small Voice may speak to you silently, before words.
A memory may come. An association – an idea. It can come in any good way.
And more. Events, people, book covers, songs, billboards, birds, forests, seas, lakes and rivers. Flowers. (Can you tell I love hearing God through nature?)
To get more used to this, learn to pay attention to the many kinds of “Voices of God“.
This is from my Prayer Journal of today. I was having difficulty praying well for someone I know who needs our Lord’s help. And I was having difficulties, probably because a big part of me is aggravated. That’s not pretty, but it’s the truth. So here is what I wrote; I’ll call this person A______.
I find praying for A______ to be difficult.
So I look to Father, who already had a plan before the beginning, and who looks down on A_______ with immense love.
Then I look to Jesus, who as always is ready to heal.
Then I ask Holy Spirit to tell me how to pray for her. I am to pray with Father’s love and planning for good; pray with Jesus, who is always ready to heal and make whole. And I pray as Holy Spirit is leading me, now.
A______ has been restored and has received complete sozo. So this is how I pray.
Pray according to the nature of each Member of the Trinity, my deepest community and my most real family – who teaches me, mercifully, about how to have more and better faith.
And forgiveness, my ability to forgive and to have forgiven, was included as a free extra – pure grace!
The Trinity is my real family of faith. What a gift!
Jesus Sitting on a Mountain by the Sea of Galilee Matthew 15:29
You have a Purpose in Life.
Father always knew what is is. Jesus knows what it is. Holy Spirit can help you find out.
You can discover your Purpose in Life. You can have such clarity. You can have certainty. Suddenly, many things become clear.
It is simple. Oh, so very simple. And not always easy!
I will tell you what it is, your Purpose in Life. Yet, you will, at best, need your own revelation from God. Then you will understand your Purpose in greater depth. And probably in a way different than I put it, though this way is certainly correct and true.
Your Master and master teacher is Jesus. You are, I certainly hope, a disciple; if you are not sure – please pray and ask for forgiveness and make a new and deeper decision to learn to be a good disciple.
So you can grow into the character and ministry of Jesus (start with the Fruit of the Spirit, see Gal. 5; and go on to the Gifts of the Spirit so you can minister more like Jesus does, see 1 Cor. 12).
Your Purpose in Life is to learn and grow into being more like Jesus. Having the character and ministry of Jesus, becoming more and more like Jesus. In how you are, who you are, and in what you do. Express more and more of Jesus in your life.
And you get to these things with your own unique gifts and abilities – all given by God. You get to do this in your own way, learning from others, yes – but being your unique self in your own sphere of influence.
I encourage you to pray, to ask, seek and yes, to knock – and let Holy Spirit impart a revelation to you of this, a revelation Father saw for you from before time, let Jesus model and teach you through scriptures and in your life, andHoly Spirit will give you access to the character and ministry of Jesus in your own time and place and in your own unique way.
“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Cor. 3:18, NKJV)
Prague – The baroque painting of Holy Trinity in church kostel Svatého Tomáše by Karel Škréta (1610 – 1674).
In the morning, you can say, “Good morning, Father. And pause. Good morning, Jesus. And pause. Good morning, Holy Spirit. Pause.
When you do this, you can feel the difference. And you are in touch with a Holy Community, a Community of the Three Persons of the Trinity: (One) God.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each a different person, yet each fully and completely God. A mystery….
Throughout the day and evening, you can greet the members of the Trinity, one at a time. Pausing each time.
When you pause, you can often feel or otherwise notice a response. Stay with that. No need to rush!
When you go to sleep, say, “Goodnight…” to each of the three members of this Holy Community of Oneness — three Persons, One God.
Expect to sleep more easily and well. I do. I believe you can, too.
Pause after each time you speak. Notice and feel the response; notice how you are being made different.
This is your genuine family. In this family, I am a brother of yours. You have many sisters, many brothers, in Christ. All connected to our genuine family, the Trinity.
Greet each other. Pause, listen, look and feel. Notice what you experience, and how you are different.
Keep doing this and you will notice transformation taking place. Others will notice, too, “18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord,[a] are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.[b] For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18, ESV