Discipleship Discipleship, Getting Help Hearing God Holy Spirit Joy Kingdom of God Miracles Prayer Presence of God

From a Leg Cramp to No Canes

Be filled with Holy Spirit and keep paying attention – and be whole & healed!

This morning I slept a bit later than usual, then woke with a cramp. It was sharp, and hurt. Fortunately, it was a small muscle leg cramp.

I remembered something Al Mack wrote on Facebook yesterday about the importance of keeping our attention on God. So I called on Holy Spirit and asked for help.

The more I kept attention on Holy Spirit, the less it hurt. This was good. Then more happened….

I felt muscles shift throughout the middle of my body. First, this helped the cramping, reducing it nicely. Then something even better happened, as I kept my attention on Holy Spirit.

I felt muscles continue to shift, the balance of my body changed, also. And I knew I could walk without my rolling walker, and even without canes.

I tested this out. It felt wonderful – much better to stand and walk with such freedom. It felt strange, not having walked like this in more years than I clearly remember at the moment.

Since then I’ve been testing this out. Strange and wonderful it is to walk with my hands free to carry or do things. The joy of very every day things has multiplied. Handling soap, going to the sink, walking with my dogs so I can let them out of the house in the morning — all done with a fair amount of joy.

I hope I keep on noticing and paying attention to such every day joy. I have asked for this, too; and I have confidence that this is mine. I used to be this way and now am experiencing joy in every day things again. Hallelujah!

I am being careful with muscles. I have been getting stronger, but some muscles have not been used much for some years now. So I am being conscious not to over do walking too much while I continue to get stronger.

I was amazed and grateful when I was, a few years ago, able to stand and walk right, hips and legs not being an obstacle to that. I rejoiced and was glad. I knew I was healed, and I walked. And I knew healing would continue to show up.

And I rejoice and am glad now.

And there are muscles to use and strengthen; a body to get used to again. And joy to be had that these things are so.

The power of keeping our attention on Holy Spirit can and does release miracles, just doing that. And a wonderful companionship. Walking with Jesus is the same…there is a certain energy and understanding love that comes through him that always surprises and is amazing. And it is hugely wonderful to walk with him.

Now I can walk with him while I metaphorically walk with him. I have no words for this, so I’ll stop writing, now.

Discipleship, Getting Help

Stressed? Look on Things Above

Al Mack, on Facebook, suggested looking on things above rather than be caught in the stresses of this season. “Colossians 3:2: Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Wise.

I commented:

I’m doing well with stress of this season – thanks to our Lord! Yet this morning I had the same lesson reinforced. Woke with a leg cramp; fortunately not a large muscle, but still painful. So I asked, “Holy Spirit, help!” Literally. The cramp did not go away all at once, BUT, the more I focused on Holy Spirit, the less I was bothered by the cramp and the more it eased off. The more I focused on Holy Spirit the lesser the pain and the more quickly the cramp was resolving. A great lesson in paying attention to things above more than on earthly things. Lord, help me remember and apply this lesson – constantly!

Discipleship, Getting Help

Step Back

When you find yourself getting overwhelmed by all the needs around you, give yourself permission to stop right where you are.

Take a deep breath. All of this doesn’t depend on you. It just seems that way whenever we take the burdens off Jesus’ shoulders and put them on ourselves.

As soon as you look away from Jesus to stare at the unending needs and expectations, it’s like falling into a black hole. Your love and strength deplete until you become resentful of your own life.

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Discipleship, Getting Help Intercession Kingdom of God Missing the mark: Sin Pain Prayer

Prophecy or Judgement?

I believe this is a lesson Father wants me to learn and act upon:

I have a friend who has wonderful prophetic gifts.

Who also has a wonderful capacity to see where someone, especially professing Christians, are wrong. Especially where they are being hypocritical or falling short.

Such an ability can be used to judge, having been hurt and angered by what is seen. And then to do nothing to help them be fully restored.

Emotional healing is needed. Such a person needs to be restored. So they are free to minister in the love of Jesus rather than to judge.

I pray that such a friend, such a person, will come to Jesus to receive emotional healing. That I will have the wisdom to know how to intercede for such a person, and to know how to offer such emotional healing prayer with them. Then to exhort and encourage them to use their gifts to minister where they see need, where they see other Christians missing the mark.

Knowing what ministry is needed, such an ability and gifting can be used to exhort, teach and minister. To restore and redeem, in Jesus.

Knowing what a ministry target Father has on his heart.

For ministry. Not judgement.

Do you know such a person? Highly gifted, hurt and angry? Judgemental?

Who has been missing the opportunity to minister the love of Jesus; to heal, restore? To love, exhort and to teach?

I believe we are sent to extend the mission of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. To help redeem, reconcile and restore.

People may disappoint and even hurt us. Does Jesus want us to judge and leave those people in having missed the mark?

What does Jesus want such a prophetically gifted person to do?

Do you know such a person, or have such a friend?

I have been missing the mark. I have not interceded enough. I have not offered prayer for emotional healing in a way that speaks to my friend. I have not helped my friend – I just see what is missing and wrong.

I am missing the mark. I am sinning. I have the same kind of problem that my friend has. Oh, the irony of this!

Is the Kingdom of God meant to be a multi-level organization of judgement? Where we each see what is wrong with each other and then judge? Or a place where God calls us to do our own part to help create a multi-level Kingdom of restoration, where we each minister with love and joy?

Please pray that I receive every bit of healing and wisdom that I need. So I minister with and in the love of Jesus and see my friend restored. That I not judge. That I not do nothing.

Discipleship Discipleship, Getting Help Getting Help Hearing God Joy Kingdom of God Prayer Presence of God

Experience More of the Presence of God

Good Friday by Anita Brown

Presence is experienced by humans as being in a particular place – so choose a place near you and be attentive and receptive to Presence of God in that place.

Similar to when King David set the Presence of God at his right hand.

When you are experiencing the presence of someone you love, you breathe differently. When you are more full of Holy Spirit – perhaps because you ask and receive by faith – you breathe differently.

Watch how you breathe when you are appreciating the Presence of God being in your midst, being near you.

The awareness of the Presence of God can be contagious and others more easily sense this – if they are sensitive to the Presence of God. If they are not, they need Presence even more. Make this a gift to others, experiencing the Presence in a particular place when you are with others. The gift from Holy Spirit to you in such instances may be that you experience Presence more easily as you do this! Ask how, and maybe even why…and discover what you can learn about this.

One of the names of Jesus is Immanuel. Which translated means, God is with you. It’s a promise in his name. Literally! A promise.

All you have to do is make a choice to receive this promise and pay attention, being attentive – like you would with a friend or a family member who is near you. You can sense their energy, their presence, what they are like.

Once you notice or remember that they are near you, you can easily be attentive to them even while you are doing ordinary things.

Similarly, when you remember Immanuel, that God is with you, you can choose to be attentive to the Presence of God who is near you and with you. Paying attention in a particular place often helps make it more real for you.

Because God is everywhere, you can choose anywhere. It’s hard to sense everywhere with clarity and strength, though you can learn to be aware of I Am. You can become aware of what I like to call, for myself, “Awareness of Consciousness of Being”.

Once you do this, you can also choose or recognize where is right and good and best at this moment, to sense and be aware of the Presence of God who is near you.

You can intend to allow Presence of God to affect the space around you, to affect you, to affect those around you…and as you practice and get better at this simple thing — the affect of the Presence of God in you, on you, around you and in the atmosphere of where you are – and especially the people around you — will be affected.

When we are attentive to and noticing Immanuel, God with us, we experience more wholeness more easily. We feel stronger. More capable. Safer. And more joyous.

I encourage you to experiment. To give thanks and enjoy! (Here is a valuable hint – a key – the more gratitude you feel [perhaps by remembering and savoring three things or more that you are grateful for] — the more easily you will experience the Presence of God.)

Experiment and explore for yourself. See what you can discover and learn. Miracles, joy, safety and happiness happen more easily and more often when you experience the Presence of God. Experimenting is very worth while!

Questions? Comments? Something to share? Let me know by email at:

Discipleship, Getting Help


Help is available. Our Lord will help, and is glad to do so.

Our part is to Ask. Simply Ask.

Ask with openness, with readiness to receive.

Too many times in my own life I have struggled, worried, been in pain that was not necessary.

As soon as I remembered to Ask, help came. Quickly and well, such help came.

I teach people to do this, and I still can too easily forget to Ask.

And when I do remember, and Ask, help comes.

Ask. Be sincere, deeply open, ready to receive and maybe even to learn.

Help will come. Our Lord is good, and generous. So Ask.