Discipleship Getting Help Holy Spirit Kingdom of God Ministry

Changing Life Seasons

Photo by Andreas Dress, on

In a recent exploration among fellow Spiritual Companions, I described my current cycles of growth where I felt aerated—like ground broken up for planting fresh crops—good and necessary for the long term and a difficult process in the moment.

I’m getting older and am cutting back on taking on new projects. I am getting help to manage the household; all because I’m discovering that I have less energy than before. Having to make such changes is hard.

Yet, making these changes helps me focus more on my calling to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God that Jesus preaches, and help activate people at The Miracle Café in the highlands of Panama, where people learning how to minister are helping others experience miracles of healing and restoration in other areas of their lives.

Earlier, I knew a transition was in progress for me. At first, it was difficult. More recently, I knew through Holy Spirit that my spirit was confident. Even though my soul—my mind—did not consciously know what the transition was towards.

I guess that’s a sign of growth. There was a time I didn’t trust so well, and I would have tried to insist on knowing what was going on and understanding the process before I would choose to trust the process. Now I trust God more completely. (That is good progress, I am sure of it.)

Feeling like ground that was too hard and not yet ready for planting while being plowed—was still difficult though.

There will be more changes. Change is always in progress. For me, spring is not so far away now. Other seasons will follow.

A deep help for me was being asked key questions and seeking to answer Spiritual Companions and Holy Spirit. Being encouraged helped me put this into words, and I understood with greater awareness and consciousness. Support, friendship, and encouragement helped.

Spiritual Companionship is a great and necessary help for me and all of us. We go through transitions easier and better with such help, even when they are challenging.

Transition and change can be painful, difficult, wonderful, and joyous in any combination. 

Transition is much more productive as we seek help through Holy Spirit, which is often easier and faster when we have the encouragement, help, and support of Spiritual Companions.

We all go through transitions and many changes. It is easier and faster, and more joyous for us with excellent help. Yet, seeking help from Holy Spirit is easy and effective with help from Spiritual Companions.

Anointing Faith Miracles

Faith Can Connect the Anointing to Needs and Miracles Happen

Faith can Connect Anointing to our Needs

Faith is often how the Anointing comes to touch our needs for restoration and healing.

Like when the hemorrhaging woman touched the hem of the clothes Jesus wore. She was totally determined, single-minded. Jesus said it was her faith that healed her.

When faith contacts the Anointing, miracles occur.

Faith can create a point of contact – a connection – between a need for healing or other restoration – and the Anointing. Prayer cloths, personal touch, contact with the hem of the garments of Jesus, great faith in a word or command with authority for healing – just a few kinds of examples.

Faith can provide a point of contact between a need and the Anointing, and a miracle can occur.

Simple. Do it today for yourself. Do it for another person, group of people or situation. Give thanks for God’s miracle.

Discipleship Getting Help Intercession Kingdom of God Pain Prayer Presence of God

Ask Jesus – Early & Often

When you have an emotional or physical pain, ask Jesus to fill you with more of Holy Spirit.

Ask Jesus to heal that…very specific pain.

With Jesus, and having Holy Spirit in you and on you – because you asked for this and received by faith – speak to your mountain. Speak to the pain by name. Tell it what to do.

You can be calm, quiet and firm. You just mean what you say – you are being sincere.

Sincerity not only helps, prayer without sincerity, and speaking to things without sincerity — is too often an exercise in multiplying frustration.

Speak to your pain. Breathe. Be ready when you do this!

I find that when I feel my pain without attachment (by already having asked for and receiving by faith – more of Holy Spirit), when I breathe deeply, and ask for Jesus and his help — by the time I ask for Jesus, I am more ready to do this with sincerity. With good connection. That’s:

  • Feel the pain without attachment by having already asked for, and receiving by faith, more of Holy Spirit.
  • Breathe deeply – which in this context may actually help you experience more of Holy Spirit. The breathe of God.
  • Ask for and connect with Jesus. Call on the name of Jesus. Ask Jesus for help, being specific, clear, sincere – and ready to receive.

Do these things and you may find yourself like me, more ready to receive blessings and healing and freedom from pain.

And if you have an inkling to add something or do this in a different way, this could be from Holy Spirit. Always do what Holy Spirit says for best results. Always.

Ask for Jesus. Ask early. Ask often. It’s never too late. Be sincere. Be ready – no need to rush. And when you are ready, you can receive blessings that Jesus has given – more easily and better and more often.

Ask Jesus, ask early and often. Be sincerely ready, and receive with joy — and give thanks! It’ll improve your disposition; doing this is really good for you.

Oh – and do not deny this to others. Help them go through this, too. You can lead them. With Holy Spirit. And be glad you did. And rejoice!

Angels Discipleship Intercession Joy Prayer Presence of God

Setting the Presence of God

King David set the Presence of God at his right hand. See Psalm 16:8, Acts 2:25. You can do this by sincere intention and prayer, too!

Angels do what God says. God has said, many times (use your Internet search engine for this if you want examples), “Be holy.”

That is, be set apart, be consecrated.

So…say what God says. Say what God said. Be what God says to be, do what God says to do. Discover what happens!

Considering this meditatively while at an electronic church meeting, someone (K.) spoke of a need for the Presence of God for someone else, someone close to her.

So if we can set the Presence of God for ourselves as King David did, if we can say what God said – it is likely angels may help.

I had a micro-vision: Four angels at corners of my property, with Temple with Presence of God in the Temple. Four angels around me personally, at corners of the Temple.

You are the Temple of God. You literally carry God’s Presence.

Angels who worship often carry the Presence of God and the atmosphere of heaven in a powerful way. Help make the experience of the Presence of God stronger where you are, too. In worship services. In church. In the Temple of God — in you!

Why not pray for someone, and set the Presence in and around where they are personally. Their personal space. Their car. Where they live. Where they work. Such prayer is called intercession.


–This is for K. Keep praying!