(Read the Overview first.)
Overview — Prepare — Stage One — Stage Two — Stage Three

Prepare the way with prayer and command.
Prepare with prayer by recognizing and naming the need. Best is by being directed by asking for guidance how to pray. Then you can minister more like Jesus, doing as you are told, doing as God shows you.
Create a deep intention to see the need met. Ask that it be met.
Use your words or a story or other kind of example to show how to ask – and teach student-learners to ask.
Jesus teaches us to ask, seek, and knock. Go do it.
Asking for results that God already wants to deliver it not just a great way to pray. It’s a great way to prepare for something to happen: for God’s results on earth to happen just as they already are in heaven.
Do this experimentally and discover how powerful and easy this is. No need to be without Workers for the Harvest! Or to have other needs unmet.
Jesus is already propagating his Kingdom. Join with him!
After we ask something for, command it by speaking to it, just as Jesus showed so many times. Tell it what to do. No drama needed. Just deeply and with single-mindedness say what you mean. When you have trouble being as single-minded as you prefer, ask Jesus for help with that and do your best. With Holy Spirit.
Overview — Prepare — Stage One — Stage Two — Stage Three