Key Article Transfer Power & Authority

Transfer Power & Authority – Prepare

(Read the Overview first.)

OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

God Healing Hands - a poem by Darlene Daire - All Poetry

Prepare the way with prayer and command.

Prepare with prayer by recognizing and naming the need. Best is by being directed by asking for guidance how to pray. Then you can minister more like Jesus, doing as you are told, doing as God shows you.

Create a deep intention to see the need met. Ask that it be met.

Use your words or a story or other kind of example to show how to ask – and teach student-learners to ask.

Jesus teaches us to ask, seek, and knock. Go do it.

Asking for results that God already wants to deliver it not just a great way to pray. It’s a great way to prepare for something to happen: for God’s results on earth to happen just as they already are in heaven.

Do this experimentally and discover how powerful and easy this is. No need to be without Workers for the Harvest! Or to have other needs unmet.

Jesus is already propagating his Kingdom. Join with him!

After we ask something for, command it by speaking to it, just as Jesus showed so many times. Tell it what to do. No drama needed. Just deeply and with single-mindedness say what you mean. When you have trouble being as single-minded as you prefer, ask Jesus for help with that and do your best. With Holy Spirit.

Read Stage One next.


Overview PrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

Key Article Transfer Power & Authority

Transfer Power & Authority – A Series – Overview

OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

God Healing Hands - a poem by Darlene Daire - All Poetry

Overview: You can effectively and thoroughly transfer skills, power and authority to disciples in three stages.

This series is designed to give you a mental map, an easy to remember overview of how to go and minister as Jesus.

Go exemplify and help someone experience ministry that begins with Jesus.

Prepare the way with prayer and command. Then,

Stage One: Teach with Examples. Demonstration & Testimony, also Parable & Story.

Stage Two: Transfer by Laying on of Hands.

Stage Three: Disciples Implement through Prayer and Command.

This Overview is the first part of a brief series about how to equip others to do some important things that Jesus taught and said to do.

Jesus gave us power and authority. Which includes how to do a thing, how to get it done.

Such as Preaching the Good News of the Kingdom, Healing the Sick (including Lepers), Freeing the Bound, Raising the Dead. Some will want to learn and do. Make Disciples of all kinds of people. Disciples who Multiply and start Ecclesias that plant yet more churches.

So…how do we transfer skills, authority, and power? It’s useful to have this overview in mind. Then to go on and Prepare the way.


OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

Key Article Transfer Power & Authority

Transfer Power & Authority – Stage One

(Read the Overview first.)

OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

God Healing Hands - a poem by Darlene Daire - All Poetry

Stage One: Teach with Examples. Demonstration & Testimony, also Parable & Story.

An example that motivates can result from an experience or from the various kinds of stories – a story you remember that motivates.

Different examples have interesting characteristics:

Demonstration is vivid and convincing. Disciple makers often start with demonstrating how to do something and its value. Such as Preaching or Teaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Preached and using that context for healing or setting someone free. Showing this is a brilliant way to make disciples.

Testimony is a story that happened, that is real. Testimony implies that the same can happen to you. Spoken prophetically to build faith and point to it’s happening to you next.

Parable is the shortest kind of story Jesus used, it applies to us all. Using common culturally known information and people without names, you understand a parable easily applied to yourself.

These are stories. Stories that motivate, show context and importance, that show how something happens or how you accomplish something.

Use unique examples in various situations; you can even use several types. Have fun with your examples, and your student-learners will have fun, too.

In the meantime, go read Stage Two – Transfer Power & Authority.


OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

Key Article Transfer Power & Authority

Transfer Power & Authority – Stage Two

(Read the Overview first.)

OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

God Healing Hands - a poem by Darlene Daire - All Poetry

Stage Two: Transfer by Laying on of Hands.

Miracles happen when faith comes into contact with the Anointing – the experience of the Anointing is the experience of Holy Spirit applied to God’s purpose.

Your faith, the faith of the receiver – or both – touching the Anointing is an explosive combination that results in power and authority being transferred. Including power and authority for healing, or to give gifts for ministry to another person.

Lay hands on your student-learner when it is time and they are ready – when you are not sure when or how, ask first.

Please see that the person receiving – whether you or someone else – activates what has happened quickly by acting on it.

Preferably, then telling (testifying) to someone else about what just happened. (People healed, set free, cleansed, raised, given gifts, or new to the Kingdom: act quickly on what just happened and tell the truth of that to someone as a witness who can confirm what was just said.)

This is invaluable in confirming the miracle that just took place, setting it firmly in memory, and making commitment stronger.

Read Stage Three: Disciples Implement through Prayer and Command.


OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

Key Article Transfer Power & Authority

Transfer Power & Authority – Stage Three

(Read the Overview first.)

OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three

God Healing Hands - a poem by Darlene Daire - All Poetry

Stage Three: Disciples Implement through Prayer and Command.

Implement through Prayer and Command. Ask for what you want of Jesus. Then command – speak to – what is to transform or change. Whether it be for healing of a body part, a whole body, or pacifying waves and wind, or other weather.

Best is to ask first how to pray – pray for guidance about how to pray – first. Receive that. It comes quickly and can be easy to miss — and is most often surprising. Jesus loves giving great surprises! Holy Spirit always helps!

Then it will get done. Just like listening to God, pause. Allow for and actively receive (just like listening deeply) the correct response that God already wants to give you.

Jesus loves you! Jesus already wants what is best! Ask and receive.


Go back to the Overview and review?


OverviewPrepareStage OneStage TwoStage Three