Discipleship Getting Help Hearing God Intercession Kingdom of God Miracles Prayer

Calling the Miracle

You can minister to others or receive your own miracle – by calling for the miracle.

How? Call on Jesus. Hear Jesus respond via Holy Spirit.

When you know what miracle is called for, you can ask Holy Spirit.

Your response will be yes, or something better. Occasionally a “not now”. (A “not now” is extremely rare. Only heard that once. I didn’t know Still Small Voice could be so loud. Hard to explain. Maybe more on that later.)

You might begin to realize it is not appropriate, right or good. Take the feedback! Do not continue unless it is good and right.

You will be shown what to do, hear what to do, or otherwise led by Holy Spirit. Obey. Act.

You may have to set the stage first, when ministering to others. You may have to interrupt events already in progress. You may have to tell a surprising story that opens your hearers hearts. That prepares the way, smooths the way. Levels the road. If so, you’ll be led to do that, too. You want their complete attention if they are to receive their miracle.

When you call on a miracle, or call on God for a miracle – you are literally calling. Like speaking to your mountain — youspeaktoit.

You will get a response. Be quiet and listen for a response. A non-response is not a yes. Although it could be a yes that you did not hear. It also may be best to try again later.

When you call a pet or a person, you expect a response and you pay attention so you can notice – a response. Or notice that you are not noticing anything. You want and maybe even need to know; and these are different – so pay attention.

It’s a form of call and response; only not in church or with an audience – it’s you calling and paying attention for your response.

You can call with strong and pure intent. Be really sincere. A child or cat will not come when you call but they know you do not really mean it. Why would a miracle come when you do not mean it?

Be single minded. Be sincere. Mean it when you call for anything, including a miracle big or small.

Pay attention to your response. Act on that response.

For many of us, it is easier to be single minded, sincere and congruent when we ask out loud. There are times (especially when ministering to someone else) that it may be best to call your miracle to come, to manifest, silently. Notice the response. Then, as appropriate, ask out loud. This can be a best way to go when ministering to others.

Of course, if others hear you calling for something, and they even sometimes all perceive a response soon, then you are teaching about how to do something important and valuable. By example, teaching or giving a sermon. Or, depending on who is learning – you may even be engaged in disciple-making.

I hope so! In fact, I call on you to do so.

Discipleship Getting Help Hearing God Jesus Preaching Kingdom of God Miracles Presence of God

Giving Freedom to Holy Spirit

Jesus often did the unexpected. Told stories and preached things – unexpected. He broke up the social order frequently. He interrupted people with actions and stories and parables that taught unexpected and surprising things.

He disturbed the social order, disturbed Pharisees, threw people out before raising the dead.

All, virtually all of his miracles were unexpected: surprising.

Churches that had a lot of miracles sometimes become complacent. Get comfortable having done a lot. Routine sets in, local church culture solidifies. Miracles stop happening: fewer risks are taken, less faith acted upon. Fewer opportunities given for Holy Spirit to operate and do what is not usual.

Because the usual is the worldly order of things. Customs. Habits. Safety. Corporate culture where there is gradually less and less creativity and surprises.

Holy Spirit needs freedom to operate. Holy Spirit needs us to make room, to allow, to risk with faith; to listen and obey more than do what is customary and safe.

Rules, safety, comfort, complacency – all get in the way of Holy Spirit having freedom to operate.

To have miracles, for faith to operate well – for us to hear God and do what God says – all require us to make room, to give more space to Holy Spirit to operate.

Requires us to give freedom to Holy Spirit to operate.

Then miracles can happen more often.

Let’s create openings. Tell stories, do things: interrupt what has been normal. So the unusual and abnormal – the miraculous – can happen. Listen to Holy Spirit — and do what we are shown, or what we hear.

Discipleship Hearing God Joy Kingdom of God Pain Presence of God

Being in His Presence Continually Corrects & Changes Your Heart

Kathy Mote, on Facebook, wrote, “Being in His presence continually corrects and changes your heart. This very much singles you out.This also places those who are called in the position of both great honor and great sacrifice. It is an honor to be humbled, an honor to be obedient, but most of all, an honor to know His heart, especially if that is all you are allowed to know. Knowing this honor makes pale any sacrifice. Being called is being given the honor of having a changed life.”

She wrote more, and wonderful other articles. Worth looking at; if you are on Facebook, I encourage you to follow her.

Discipleship Discipleship, Getting Help Getting Help Hearing God Joy Kingdom of God Prayer Presence of God

Experience More of the Presence of God

Good Friday by Anita Brown

Presence is experienced by humans as being in a particular place – so choose a place near you and be attentive and receptive to Presence of God in that place.

Similar to when King David set the Presence of God at his right hand.

When you are experiencing the presence of someone you love, you breathe differently. When you are more full of Holy Spirit – perhaps because you ask and receive by faith – you breathe differently.

Watch how you breathe when you are appreciating the Presence of God being in your midst, being near you.

The awareness of the Presence of God can be contagious and others more easily sense this – if they are sensitive to the Presence of God. If they are not, they need Presence even more. Make this a gift to others, experiencing the Presence in a particular place when you are with others. The gift from Holy Spirit to you in such instances may be that you experience Presence more easily as you do this! Ask how, and maybe even why…and discover what you can learn about this.

One of the names of Jesus is Immanuel. Which translated means, God is with you. It’s a promise in his name. Literally! A promise.

All you have to do is make a choice to receive this promise and pay attention, being attentive – like you would with a friend or a family member who is near you. You can sense their energy, their presence, what they are like.

Once you notice or remember that they are near you, you can easily be attentive to them even while you are doing ordinary things.

Similarly, when you remember Immanuel, that God is with you, you can choose to be attentive to the Presence of God who is near you and with you. Paying attention in a particular place often helps make it more real for you.

Because God is everywhere, you can choose anywhere. It’s hard to sense everywhere with clarity and strength, though you can learn to be aware of I Am. You can become aware of what I like to call, for myself, “Awareness of Consciousness of Being”.

Once you do this, you can also choose or recognize where is right and good and best at this moment, to sense and be aware of the Presence of God who is near you.

You can intend to allow Presence of God to affect the space around you, to affect you, to affect those around you…and as you practice and get better at this simple thing — the affect of the Presence of God in you, on you, around you and in the atmosphere of where you are – and especially the people around you — will be affected.

When we are attentive to and noticing Immanuel, God with us, we experience more wholeness more easily. We feel stronger. More capable. Safer. And more joyous.

I encourage you to experiment. To give thanks and enjoy! (Here is a valuable hint – a key – the more gratitude you feel [perhaps by remembering and savoring three things or more that you are grateful for] — the more easily you will experience the Presence of God.)

Experiment and explore for yourself. See what you can discover and learn. Miracles, joy, safety and happiness happen more easily and more often when you experience the Presence of God. Experimenting is very worth while!

Questions? Comments? Something to share? Let me know by email at:

Discipleship Getting Help Hearing God Kingdom of God Presence of God

Hear God Better & Minister More Powerfully

It’s no secret that Jesus did as he heard our Father say to do, and what he was shown. When we are wise, we will want to do the same.

It’s also no secret that Jesus had Holy Spirit on him since his baptism in water, and Holy Spirit remained on him.

He heard his Father with Holy Spirit on him. He ministered with Holy Spirit on him. That’s the Anointing, the experience of Holy Spirit for a purpose.

You can hear God better and you can minister more powerfully by doing the same.

How can we do the same, as we think we are not Jesus in the flesh?

Well, we are part of the Body of Christ. Jesus lives in us. We can minister and express Jesus in ministry, and we can set ourselves apart to hear our Father — just as Jesus did.

What is too often missing that makes this hard or mysterious to us?

It’s simple when we know. When we remember. What’s the key?

Holy Spirit is key.

So ask for more of Holy Spirit in you, ask for more of Holy Spirit on you. By faith. Ask by faith, receive by faith. Simple. And ask with deeply honest sincerity.

Ask for more of Holy Spirit in you and hearing from God is so much easier.

Ask for more of Holy Spirit on you, and ministering with your gifts and with greater ease and effectiveness is much easier.

Ask for more of Holy Spirit. Receive by faith. It’s simple.

And when you are having trouble hearing God well, and when you are having difficulty ministering well — you will do these things better and more easily with more of Holy Spirit.

Ask and receive, with compassion (agape love) and with faith.

Hear God better and more easily, minister more powerfully and effectively with more of Holy Spirit that you ask for and receive by faith.