So…prayer is conversation, two-way conversation, with God.
What is worship?
I remember someone telling me that worship is giving highest worth. Highest Worth-ship. So putting the Kingdom of God first is very close to, related to, or maybe sometimes even the same as worship.
This seems to be correct, as I easily found this:
“The most commonly cited definition of the word “worship” is based on the etymology of the English word: “Worship” is derived from the Old English word “woerthship.” So, when we worship God, we are proclaiming (or giving him back) his worth.”
“So, when we worship God, we are proclaiming (or giving him back) his worth.” Wow.
And the experience of worship helps us experience our relationship with God more intimately and closely.
Worship is actually very simple. Powerful. Good for us. Has wonderful side effects, including:
Prayer – two way conversation with God is easier and more powerful.
As we gaze upon Him, it gradually transforms us into becoming more like him.
Healing and other ministry is easier in such a context.
Miracles come more easily in such an atmosphere.
Fellowship and brotherly love increases, easily.
The Presence of God is much more powerfully experienced.
Baptism in Holy Spirit easily changes people forever.
We experience heaven and being in the Presence of God with ease.
The Aaronic blessing becomes real to us!

23 “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, ‘Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them:
24 The Lord bless you, and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;26 The Lord lift up His countenance on you,
And give you peace.’27 So they shall [a]invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them.”
Having God’s face shine upon you and his countenance on you is, I have been told often, a way in Hebrew to talk about the Presence of God.
Experiencing God face to face – so intimately and personally, is this not the essence of being in heaven? Being in the Presence of God so intimately and personally, with such closeness? What can be better?
3 replies on “Worship & Prayer”
Amen verypowerful teaching on worship and prayer exactily what i was taught worship is a high praise to God hallelujah having indiminacy with the king
Am blessed i will following your teaching more grace upon you
Thank you. And I am looking forward to your insights about worship.
-David Burnet
[…] Hebrew phrase, often translated as, “The Face of God” means, I am told, the Presence of God. What this strongly hints at is that not only is the Presence […]