For Articles – go to Key Articles; or to the Blog – for new articles. You can learn to minister more like Jesus. Ask Father how to pray and then do as you are shown and told:

with compassion and power.
In this broken world there are too many problems. People are hurting. You can help by ministering like Jesus.
Announce the Good News that the Kingdom of God is here and now and always within reach (at hand, and nearby). In this context, heal the sick, free the bound, and make disciples of all kinds of people (ethnos, all people-groups).
Bring the Kingdom into where the Adversary was ruling and creating pain and problems.
What the Good News that Jesus actually preached is and what it means – which is different than what the Apostles taught after Jesus Ascended – both versions of the Gospel are needed for a more complete understanding by those who minister and by those who are ministered to. Allowing you to minister with greater ease and more power.
Then expand the Kingdom of God by planting Ecclesias. In the bible when you read the word “church”, the Greek is Ecclesia – which differs from most modern churches.
So I will write about:
- How Jesus taught us how to heal the sick, free the bound, and how to make disciples of all kinds of people – disciples who multiply, and who make yet more disciples.
- When miracles are more likely to happen. It’s easier than you may expect to prepare the way for God to do this.
- How Jesus taught and demonstrated for us – how to evangelize and do missionary work.
- Planting Churches – Ecclesias. Without making the work harder than it needs to be and without using other methods that inadvertently make both evangelism and finances for missionaries difficult.
I will also post about how we human beings can experience what is in Scripture. The promises made to us and how to experience the promises.
New articles will be added, from time to time, to the Blog. Some will be articles posted at Some may be from the Holy Listening Group on Facebook.
Take a look, you may find something useful. Especially as new articles are added, one that speaks to you is more likely to show up.
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