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Healing & Deliverance is Easier when Experiencing the Kingdom of God

When you or I reach out to the Kingdom of God, which is literally within reach – at hand — it’s much easier to heal and to be free.

When healing or deliverance is needed, rather than try to achieve these by ourselves – reach out and pull the Kingdom into those areas that need healing or freedom. Or simply enter that which is so close and at hand.

Sooo much easier! This is why we were given the Good News of the Kingdom, so we can do this for ourselves and encourage others to do this.

An easy and more effective way to minister healing and delivering.

A great way to live! Make a deep decision to do so, and trust God.

Trust God. What a simple and radical idea. So simple, and easy, too, when we are doing it.

Life is harder and much more difficult when we are not trusting God.

Decide which way you want to live!

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