Emotional Pain Empath Friendship HSP Missing the mark: Sin Pain Tribulation

Please Be Careful What You Say….


Imagine, if you will, being an Empath (feeling what others feel, or even feeling things around you – which can make you a gifted mechanic if you can feel what car parts are like – or skilled with plants or with animals – maybe even gifted with people), and highly sensitive (noticing and responding deeply to all sensory input). These are wonderful and powerful gifts, though not always appreciated by today’s macho, rationalistic society.

(There are Empaths in this world. Most of them are people who are highly sensitive. Some researchers suggest 20% of the population is gifted this way, and they are useful to the rest of us because they notice things we have overlook. Such gifts are especially useful for leaders, for people-groups of all kinds; useful for counselors, healers, and intercessors. For teachers, and all who are gifted leaders in church who help prepare the saints – that’s all of us – for service.)

Imagine being asked to study propaganda in depth, a long series of very convincing videos that explain how a particular group of people (another political party, of course) is full of child molesters, and even people who drink the blood of babies. Seriously. A long series of videos to show and prove how such things are actually real.

And then later being told by others that since you do not happen to appreciate, laud and love a particular politician, you must be one of these awful people you have had rehearsed so much through studies friends repeatedly ask you to engage in.

Imagine, if you will, being sent videos (and very convincing ones) about a vaccine, and being told it is dangerous not only to you, but to people around you.

So dangerous are you assumed you will be, if you take such a vaccine, that a good friend will no longer tolerate being around you or be in your presence because you are so dangerous.

Most people who send such videos and propaganda for you to consume do so with deep sincerity and the best of intentions – to protect you from such horrors.

Some creators of such propaganda also have good intentions, to share an important message. Even when some knowingly and systemically exaggerate to make their point stronger. (When I was younger and more insecure, I used to do such things myself. I understand!)

Imagine, if you will, that you happen to rather strongly suspect that some people are purposely propagating lies. Sometimes for their purposes that they deem good. Others, perhaps, love to share mischief or even wilful evil.

Imagine, further, being told by someone else that your choice to do such a thing as to have this dangerous, killing vaccine – that is so dangerous to yourself and to others – if you make such a choice, this amounts to a decision to be a serial killer.

Remember – as an Empath and highly sensitive person, you imagine and feel the message, it’s details, it’s intent — deeply. Very deeply. Even if you decide for yourself that this propaganda is not real. You are still affected. Even if you happen to believe this is all based on lies being propagated for political purposes. Lies, lies, and more lies – or so it seems to you. Imagine experiencing such things as these.

And you are considered to be the equivalent of a serial killer whose very presence is considered dangerous and unwanted. And you are one of the people in this world who when told they are unwanted, you tend to automatically feel this too much. (I think a lot of us are like this.)

Now that you’ve imagined all this as if you were a highly sensitive Empath (thank you for going along with this), and you’ve taken these things in very deeply – let’s consider something more.

Can such things be real? Maybe all these messages are genuine and always sincere! You just happen to be highly sensitive and empathic.

Nah! Such imaginings are unrealistic and unplausible. Such things cannot be real. No one would communicate such things on purpose, would they? But some people do communicate such things. And many who do so do this with the very best of intentions!

What do you think? What kingdom do these stories and messages come from? The Kingdom of God?


Emotional Pain Freedom Healing Holy Spirit Love Ministry Prayer

Heal Memories with Agape Love

Jesus Motivates Us to Move to a Higher AGAPE Love Walk ...
Jesus motivates us to move to a higher LOVE walk –

You can heal old memories of bad things that happened to you & old memories of when you reacted badly by applying Agape love. Let me explain….

First, a brief & quick reminder, from 1 Corinthians 13:

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7, NKJV

So here’s how I do it, I expect this can work well for you, too. (I’d love to hear about your experience with this so I can learn.)

I think of a memory that is painful. First, one where I responded poorly. Then I review 1 Cor. 13:4-7. I see where I reacted without Agape love. I make a new decision, and choose to respond with Agape love, the God, generous kind of love. I choose to respond with Agape qualities in the future. That’s not only a new decision, that’s repentance.

I mentally rehearse or practice having done that. Two or three times if necessary; though once will often be quite enough.

It’s done!

I check to see if my memory of that bad or painful memory is different or better. It usually is.

Then I do this again with a different memory, where I may not have reacted badly, but where I still did not respond with Agape love. I make a new and better decision, with the help of Jesus (which I ask for). A decision to respond with Agape love. Generously. Lovingly. The God-kind of love.

Afterwards, I again check the old memory, am I doing better now when I remember it?

Usually my own response to an event makes a huge difference in how painful the memory is or isn’t.

If I have trouble succeeding with this, I again ask Jesus, who is always near, always at hand (like his Kingdom) – within reaching distance – to help. And I ask for and receive by faith, more of Holy Spirit. I may not feel anything, but I notice I respond differently and can choose Agape love more easily and more deeply.

Let me know how you do with this, I’d love to know!


Thank you!


P.S. Teach this to someone else, maybe by walking them through it. Jesus and the Jesus kind of love can minister to them, too!