Where is your sphere of influence, your “metron”? It’s probably larger than you have noticed or expect. Good idea is to do a review of this and ask some good friends you trust.
Who is called to receive through you? Who makes you seem smarter? Who receives well through you – probably one or more people-groups, different kinds of people.
Who are you called to serve? Gifted to serve? Who receives really well through you? Who is smarter when you are with them?
What do people tell you that you are gifted at? (Many of us have a habit of not taking such things told to us seriously. So you can do a careful review of this, too.)
What sorts of people do you love being around? You may have similar gifts and callings or you may have ones that compliment and complete or help balance the gifts of those you serve.
What do you have energy to do? And who do you have energy to do such things with, or for?
I encourage you to experiment and explore. Make mistakes, great ones that you can learn a lot from.
Let your audience teach you what they need that you offer. And what they want. (Wants and needs do not always overlap.)
I encourage you to review and learn from your mistakes. Especially your big ones. Painful ones. Mistakes you don’t even want to think about. Learn enough through these, and your life will change in wonderful ways.
I’d love to hear from you. And to learn what else you want or need. What I’m missing here and not saying that could be helpful. Any thoughts, ideas or musings that you will share.