In the morning, you can say, “Good morning, Father. And pause. Good morning, Jesus. And pause. Good morning, Holy Spirit. Pause.
When you do this, you can feel the difference. And you are in touch with a Holy Community, a Community of the Three Persons of the Trinity: (One) God.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each a different person, yet each fully and completely God. A mystery….
Throughout the day and evening, you can greet the members of the Trinity, one at a time. Pausing each time.
When you pause, you can often feel or otherwise notice a response. Stay with that. No need to rush!
When you go to sleep, say, “Goodnight…” to each of the three members of this Holy Community of Oneness — three Persons, One God.
Expect to sleep more easily and well. I do. I believe you can, too.
Pause after each time you speak. Notice and feel the response; notice how you are being made different.
This is your genuine family. In this family, I am a brother of yours. You have many sisters, many brothers, in Christ. All connected to our genuine family, the Trinity.
Greet each other. Pause, listen, look and feel. Notice what you experience, and how you are different.
Keep doing this and you will notice transformation taking place. Others will notice, too, “18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord,[a] are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.[b] For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18, ESV