Part 1 is at:

Part 1 is at:
You can call on God. You can call on the Lord. You can call on “I am”. Wow! And what can you expect to happen?
You can call on the Lord and be saved. It’s a promise. God does not change and keeps his promises. So you can call and you will be saved.
Saved as in the Greek word “salvo” which can mean saved, made whole, and healed. What a wonderful word!
You can call on “I am” to save you – from whatever you need saving.
You can call on the Lord to be made whole, and to experience your wholeness.
You can call on “I am” to help you and you will be helped.
You should experiment with this, explore and personally discover what you can discover. Learn and be surprised and filled with wonder and awe.
You have been privileged to call on God, to call on the name of the Lord, to call on “I am”. To call on Jesus. And you will be saved. That’s a promise.
I wonder about how many ways you can call on our Lord; how many ways you can use his names. How many he can save. How we may be made whole and even healed. I hope you do, too.
I hope you will join with me and explore and experiment with this. What can you and I learn about this?
Let’s share with each other what we do discover. It’ll be fun, exhilarating, and full of good surprises…I am sure of this.
Call on our Lord and be saved. Be “salvo-ed”. And discover what this means and what practical results you can experience in the real world.
I believe that when you call on a thing or a person for a response; it goes best when you do this in calling on the name of the Lord, first. Like putting the Kingdom first.
See next, Part 3: