I once asked a good friend, Simon Xing, who lives in China, about worship. He’s a fine worship leader, with wonderful experience to share. What follows is an edited version (for readability) of our conversation.
D: Simon – I have a question…I can use your help. How might you describe different levels of worship?
S: Thanks for your questions. Personally, I would divide it into four levels.
D: Tell me!
S: The first is surface level. Just singing.
D: Makes sense. Please go on.
S: The second is when you are infected by another person’s spirit to worship.
D: Good. Go on….
S: The third is when you can worship anytime in any place.
D: Tell me more about this.
S: Just feel like God is on your side.
(D: That sounds so simple; it’s useful and profound.)
D: Wow! Tell me more.
S: The fourth, also the deepest, for me, I think is when you are the performer standing in front of God. (D: This is what your attention is full of. Nothing else.)
D: Please go on. More!
S: And angels are your audience. They are listening, and maybe even join in.
D: Ahh…I love this!
S: This is a moment of holiness. You don’t care about anything but God. You may cry. You may dance. You may sing in tongues.
D: Ahh….
S: Nothing but holiness.
D: Wonderful!
S: You will not care, in such moments, about timing. No concern or worry. Your focus is single and complete.
D: I never thought of that….
S: You just want to continue and go on – in that environment. This is just my experience.
D: Your experience in such things as this – is valuable.
S: I experienced four levels. Maybe there is a fifth. It may take time….
D: Go on…think out loud.
S: Now I don’t know…. I just hope there would be a fifth one. (D: Simon is getting ready to speak and put into words a deep intuition of his understanding, so far. Holy Spirit whispering to his spirit.)
S: Which may be that God only wants me to worship.
S: He cares about my worship most at such a moment.
D: Go on….
S: And I can feel his holy touch.
S: Not by saints, but by him.
S: (Simon spoke briefly of some Internet difficulties.) He blessed me, sent his deep love.
We said goodbye for now.
D: (This was a fascinating and lovely conversation, with thoughts from an experienced worship leader.)
One reply on “Simon Xing on Worship”
Thank you David. You write down our conversations! It’s really a good habit which help us to make common communication be valuable.