Holy Spirit Jesus Prayer

Is This Prayer?

Where Two or Three are Gathered in my Name

Decide for yourself. Is this a kind of prayer? Really?

Because if so, we may need to be much more alert.

One day I shared a dream with a friend, telling him of something I deeply wanted. I had told nobody before. I had not thought to pray about this.

Two days later I was given an offer that included what I told my friend I was asking for. I not only accepted, but this put me on a path of growth that lasted for years.

Later, I wondered about what had happened. My friend has Holy Spirit in him. I thought – realized – I was not only talking to my friend; I was talking also to Holy Spirit. I was talking to God.

And it was a holy conversation. Jesus promised to be with us at such times, to be among us. So I was talking to Jesus, who was among us.

I believe I was not only talking with a friend. I was praying.

Since I learned about this pattern, I have seen it repeatedly not only in my life but in the lives of others I know.

Is this really a kind of prayer? What does Holy Spirit say to you about this? What should you be doing about this?

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