Calling Create Discipleship Leadership Ministry Miracles The Word

God Speaks and Creates. You Speak & Move Your Mountain.

God Speaks and Creates; You Move Your Mountain – Becker Griffen, Unsplash

God said. And creation happened. God said – and what he said happened. You speak, declare, create, or call – in Jesus….

You can Declare. Let there be peace. Let there be love. Let Jesus be known.

You can create, in Jesus, who is the Word. Create peace in your family.

You can call. See Calling, Part 1 of 3. You can call a situation into being, into existence.

You can transfer power and authority. See Overview.

Jesus spoke to a fig tree, it obeyed. Jesus spoke to the wind and waves, and the storm quieted. Jesus taught us to heal, and demonstrated speaking to the need – we should do the same.

I have heard of people speaking to tornados, which changed course.

I have called for electricity to be restored, and when I am totally determined and single minded – easier to say than to do, I have experienced several times the electricity coming on within a second and a half. So many times this has happened, it cannot be a coincidence.

When you speak to your dog, your dog knows if you really mean it. When you really mean it, your dog is much more likely to obey. This is authority. You can feel it when you speak with such authority.

So speak to situations, to your mountain. As Jesus has been teaching you to do. And delight in results! Give thanks and rejoice!

Jesus, the Word, teaches and empowers you. Use what you have been given. Learn. Explore. Be willing for failure to take place – you can learn a lot this way!

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